My Gsp :(


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
Exeter - UK
Just got home from work and went to see how my two gsp's were.

I see one and can not locate my nutcase GSP Wilson!!!

I start to panic take the top off the tank move all the rocks around and still nothing, so I look the only place there is left - behind the cabinet and low and behold there he is on the floor covered in dust :(

I thought he was dead but decided to wash him before the toilet funeral and I notice movement from a little fin!!!!

I quickly rush him to the tank and he's still alive!!! But his eyes are sunk in and I'm started to think heaye blind?

I am absolutley gutted! I have had this GSP for 6 months and he is my pride and joy, the hole he jumped out is no bigger than an inch - he must of polvolted through!

What should I do? If he is blinded?! Help!!
Physical damage to the eyes is tricky to deal with. The use of Epsom salt helps, about 3 level teaspoons per gallon, along with a suitable antibiotic. A combination of metronidazole and nitrofurazone is the recommend treatment.

Being visual animals, puffers will find it hard to adapt to blindness, but if at least one eye is saved it should do okay.

Cheers, Neale
Thanks Neale,

By the way I'm a big fan of your book, it has helped me greatly - if you are the Neale Monks that is!
Oh the poor thing, fingers crossed the poor little man makes it and recovers, let us know how he goes. It is surprising the thing fish can do at times :( Best of luck x
He is ok so far his eyes have popped out and when I fed the fish he did his usual muscle everyone out of the way!!!

Guess his eye sight is ok! His belly was pitch black an now back to his beautiful white! Looks like he might be ok - he's one tough cookie!
thats amazing that he's survived i hope he's ok, i wonder if something startled him i've seen mine hit the to of the tank if something startles them.
He's still alive I treated him to a fresh prawn today!

It's remarkable really, he is acting as if nothing has happened!
Oh fingers crossed! They are touch little critters, that is absolutely great news and fantastic he is pretty much back to normal, Im sure with the TLC he is getting he will be fine in no time. Hug from me poor little man x
Just to give an update Wilson is still alive and back to his usual antics!

He is still the big fish in the tank reminding everyone else, his eye has made 100% recovery, only difference is his tail is slightly smaller.
Just to give an update Wilson is still alive and back to his usual antics!

He is still the big fish in the tank reminding everyone else, his eye has made 100% recovery, only difference is his tail is slightly smaller.

Great news....hope he wont be jumping out again in a hurry.

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