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  1. Hermithall

    Am I Going To Die?!?

    Malachite will turn you into the Inredible Hulk if mishandled.
  2. Hermithall

    Boyfriend's New Tank

    How many of those giving advice actually own or have owned and cared for a RTBS I wonder? There are a quite a few peculiar affirmations flying about here! RTBS will swallow danios, really? The RTBS is a grazing fish with a small downward facing mouth, who is actually an exceptionally poor hunter...
  3. Robert.jpg


  4. Hermithall

    Tank And Stand Trouble

    Juwel tanks rest on suspended platforms, deliberately designed so that only the edges are in contact with the base - just to help ease your mind some more. Just as Fluttermoth says, it's crucial nothing small and hard is pressing on the glass. For example, a piece of grit or a pointy bit of...
  5. Hermithall

    Argos Childrens Sand

    They still aren't adding anti-fungal agents to my knowledge, as per other brands - but check the packaging carefully to be sure :-)
  6. Hermithall

    What Is This?

    Great research by everyone. Here's a clear photo of MBOU's Osteochilius Hasseltii - hope it's helpful:
  7. Hermithall

    Malawi Tanks.

    My corner tank with ocean rock pile. I love all the tanks pictured in this thread, well done all.
  8. Hermithall

    Anyone Got A Centre Piece In Their Rock Setup

    I'm a fan of the black theme - I think your tank looks superb as it is. My only criticism would be the green downpipe (which you could switch out to a black one easily enough), but again I love what you've done and it will look stunning with the fish added. I actually really appreciate the...
  9. Hermithall

    Light Bar For Trigon 191
  10. Hermithall

    Argos Play Sand

    I recently made a simple point on another thread about the future safety of Argos play sand for aquarium use, which I'll briefly repeat here. Lots of us have already used it with no problems - unsurprising really, since it's always been safe in the past and at this moment in time it is indeed...
  11. untitled.JPG


  12. Hermithall

    Restarting Old Tank

    Wow, I stand corrected - I could have sworn when I downgraded my juwel lights from T5 to T8 I was saving electricity because of the wattage written on the tubes. I enjoyed the "branded for aquarium use" snipe, but why would I care about that? - the lights don't go in the water :) Edit: Yes...
  13. Hermithall

    Need Id Please

    Blown it up to 600 pixels wide but I think too much quality has been lost when it was shrank, worth a try though. I know sod all about plants too so generally speaking just ignore this post!!
  14. crypts002.jpg


  15. Hermithall

    Water Test Kits

    It is possible to have a small amount of ammonia in your tap water - but if you're not sure about your ammonia reading, check it outside in pure daylight coz it can make a whopping difference and you might see that it's actually zero :)
  16. Hermithall

    Rip Jimbob

    Sad news, rotten luck mate :( R.I.P Jimbob.
  17. Hermithall

    Very Sick Angelfish - Help Needed

    No bother, haven't helped much really - good luck with your fish, got my fingers crossed.
  18. Hermithall

    Very Sick Angelfish - Help Needed

    Had a look for treatments - feeding peas is a classic laxative cure, but your fish isn't eating, so constipation treatment with epsom salt as follows (epsom salt is available at chemists): Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) is a mild muscle relaxant used when treating moderate to severe...
  19. Hermithall

    Very Sick Angelfish - Help Needed

    Yes, sounds like a viable explanation, I've heard pellets can make some fish prone to constipation. Have you seen any stringy feces? - that would help confirm constipation.
  20. Hermithall

    Very Sick Angelfish - Help Needed

    The pic you've posted will be very helpful for ppl to help diagnose. I'm at a loss I'm afraid, but that swollen stomach looks like the immediate problem. Here's a pic of angelfish anatomy in case it's useful to anyone commenting:
  21. AngelfishAnatomy4.jpg


  22. Hermithall

    Very Sick Angelfish - Help Needed

    Hard to say, but gasping usually indicates oxygen deprivation. Sometimes this is brought about by gill damage as an after effect from ammonia poisoning - often seen after a fish-in cycle or other circumstances where fish have had prolonged exposure to ammonia. I don't know about the other...
  23. Hermithall

    Where To Buy Filter Media?

    PPI just refers to the pores per inch within the sponge. Use any filter sponge you can find to fill your filter chamber, whatever's the best bargain from your LFS, ebay or wherever - then cut it to shape if it's too big or use more than one piece if you find some sponges that are too small, it...
  24. Hermithall

    Photo Diary Of Jackie

    Fantastic post, and heart warming tbh. Thanks for sharing, Jackie is great :)
  25. Hermithall

    Tank Just Cracked, Water Everywhere

    That is a truly scary situation, well done for your quick actions. I had an aqua one regency 300L tank crack on me completely out the blue and it sounded like a gunshot. I was like you and although it was from the direction of the tank, I wasn't sure what it was at first. My initial relief after...
  26. Hermithall

    Tank Of The Month Voting Sept 2011

    StandbySetting’s tank has a very 'real' quality about it which I really like, I can't quite put my finger on it. I think it's because the plant arrangement doesn't look at all contrived, combined with the absence of the usually ubiquitous black vinyl poster stuck on the back. Definite winner for...
  27. Hermithall

    I Bought A Siphon Today And...

    Straightfoward, but is it the same as an overflow? Hmmm.
  28. Hermithall

    Water Flow And Surface Agitationin In Tank Is It Ok?

    The only major benefit of surface agitation for fish is the increase of oxygenation via gas exchange by increasing the water's surface area, great news for oxygen breathing fish - but for plants increasing the water surface area by agitation is not so desirable because the carbon dioxide that...
  29. Hermithall

    Restarting Old Tank

    Just so you're aware Derek - It's worth mentioning that while the modern T5 light systems are more efficient than your older T8 tubes in terms of light output per wattage, they also use considerably more electricity than a T8 tube of the same length. This makes a big difference to anyone...
  30. Hermithall

    Left The Pump Off For 10 Hours

    Just goes to show how quick ammonia builds up in the water column without water flowing through the filter media, and I regularly see advice about decreasing filter water flow! Well done with the water changes, hope the tank recovers super quick :)
  31. Hermithall

    Restarting Old Tank

    Hi Derek, Welcome back to fish keeping, hope you get up and running again soon after a 10 year break! Totally agree with Lock Man, I'll finish his adage ....Don't Fix It" lol. It's true, test the lights and heater and if they still work, keep them. Upgrading light units is expensive, but you...
  32. Hermithall

    Argos Children's Play Sand

    Didn't have problems with mine either, nobody has had problems with it :)
  33. Hermithall

    Argos Children's Play Sand

    Uurghh, nice tone there fella :( Hmm, I made the point earlier in the thread that there is no onus on the producer of children's play sand to make it aquarium safe, so while the brand in question (Argos play sand) has been proven aquarium safe thus far, we have no guarantee that it will remain...
  34. Hermithall

    New Tank Advise On Filter Please

    Great Lee, here's the charterhouse link in case it's cheaper than your local: I'm replacing both my Eheim and Fluval with 2 Tetratec EX 1200 filters soon. Eheim 2029 is a total pain to maintain and Fluval...
  35. Hermithall

    New Tank Advise On Filter Please

    I believe flow is crucial for health of live rock/corals in a marine tank, usually in the form of power heads? You generally don't need to worry about that with freshwater tropical tanks - the flow from your external filter outlet should suffice, mainly in terms of agitating the water surface...
  36. Hermithall

    Three Spot Gouramis Kissing/fighting

    Hard to say, I used to have a mixture of trichogaster gouramis myself and there was a lot of chasing and mild aggression between them, but nothing too bad. I had 6 (4 females, 2 males) which worked out well for me. Maybe your 2 are establishing a pecking order between themselves, as the lfs guy...
  37. Hermithall

    Argos Children's Play Sand

    Good for you :) Purchasing purpose produced aquarium substrates is my modus operandi too these days, and erring on the side of caution for that extra peace of mind is deffo well worth the extra few quid, couldn't agree more. The merest hint of a suggestion of things like anti-fungal agents makes...
  38. Hermithall

    Three Spot Gouramis Kissing/fighting

    Pics are great, yep they definitely look like females. Glad to hear the aggression is calming down :)