Tank And Stand Trouble

Blue Ramirezi

Fish Crazy
Sep 26, 2011
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Hi everyone, my tank (250L) currently sits on a stand which doesnt support directly underneath, only the edges i have filled the water up 3/4 no such problems yet. it does have foam where there is contact on the tankbut im scared thats not enough. Is it ok or will i need to support directly underneath aswell
here are some pics
I can't see your pics, but yes it's fine to have a tank supported only around the edge; a couple of my tanks are like it. One has been set up and running nearly 15 years with no trouble.
sorry here are they are
Glass has a lot of 'crush' strength but very little 'torsion' strength (those may not be the proper terms!). So you can put an awful lot of weight on glass as long as the weight is spread (so no pointy rocks) and doesn't cause the glass to try and twist.
Juwel tanks rest on suspended platforms, deliberately designed so that only the edges are in contact with the base - just to help ease your mind some more.
Just as Fluttermoth says, it's crucial nothing small and hard is pressing on the glass. For example, a piece of grit or a pointy bit of metal on the stand in direct contact with the glass would crack the glass with the weight of the water. Same goes for heavy rocks etc going inside the tank - always use plastic grids underneath rock piles (egg crate is perfect) to avoid those nasty points of contact with the glass and to spread the weight.
Sounds like you're fine with the foam between the stand and the tank - fill 'er up :)

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