Search results

  1. groupiekilla06

    Is A Bit Small

    If its 5 inches wide and 12 inches high then it should hold about 2 gallons and thats not too small for a betta. I wouldn't put a betta in less than 1 gallon though. This is the tank I have: Click here!
  2. groupiekilla06

    New To Bettas, Can You Help Me Sort Out Information Overload? :)

    Most people don't cycle tanks under 5 gallons. Since I have 2 and 1 gallon betta tanks I don't cycle them, I just do frequent water changes to keep the water params stable. I don't do 100% water changes on my 10 but I will do a full cleaning (take fish out, drain water,and vaccuum VERY...
  3. groupiekilla06

    My Furry Kids

    *bump* Tough crowd B)
  4. groupiekilla06

    Still Bored? Here Is My Dog

    I also have a Lab/Pitt mix that I rescued from being frozen or starved to death a couple winters ago and he is the best friend I've ever had besides my hubby. His name is Bubba (my dog, not my husband lol)
  5. groupiekilla06

    New To Bettas, Can You Help Me Sort Out Information Overload? :)

    IMO 5 gallons for 5 females is too small. Girls can be territorial and you should have as much space for them as possible so they can give eachother some space. The two gallon tank for the male is fine (I have a 2 gal also) but in order to keep them ammonia down I do 30-50% water change every 3...
  6. groupiekilla06

    I Think I've Got A Little Halfmoon...

    Yeah he's definitely a HM, I love his colors!!!!!!!!!! Is he up for sale or is he a keeper?
  7. groupiekilla06

    Glo-fish Breeding

    No, I don't have Glo-fish, just regular zebra danios. However their dad is quite pink... I will get pictures soon hopefully, I have to develop them since my digi cam seems to not want to take clear close ups of the kids. Maybe for Christmas I'll get a good camera :shifty: And thank you for the...
  8. groupiekilla06

    Breeding Bettas

    Poor guy! Those girls can be vicious too. My suggestion to prevent infection and help healing would be to add aquarium salt to a hospital tank for him. You have to take him out of the bag and isolate him in a tank to give him the best chance at recovery. I would say half a rounded teaspoon per...
  9. groupiekilla06

    Family Feud

    Now one thing that wasn't mentioned is that how well a male betta gets along with other companions (never another male and rarely a female) also depends on the size of the tank. I don't suggest putting any companions with a male betta in anything less than 5 gallons, not even a large snail. I...
  10. groupiekilla06

    Family Feud

    *Edited to remove double post*
  11. groupiekilla06

    My Tanks...some Of Them Be Round!

    Beautiful tanks and specimens!!! I love it! How do you keep the male bettas from beating on eachother? Are they juveniles?
  12. groupiekilla06

    "flying Arrow Shark"

    It looks a tiger barb with less defined stripes. Assuming you mean the guys on the left. So some kind of barb.
  13. groupiekilla06

    Glo-fish Breeding

    I hope this helps you, I speak from personal experience only: Here's what you do to spawn Zebra Danios: 1. Move prospective female to a separate breeding tank (6-10 gallon will be fine for now) with spawning mops. You'll need to use acrylic yarn and you'll need 10-20 spawning mops. This is a...
  14. groupiekilla06

    Friends For My Bala's

  15. groupiekilla06

    Friends For My Bala's

    I thought I should mention that full grown Bala Sharks do best in a group of six. This means that at 12 inches a pop and VERY fast, they do best in tank with a lot of swimming room. Some experts suggest a tank 8, even 10 feet long for just the group of six. I wanted to let you know because I've...
  16. groupiekilla06

    Hello From Ohio!

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! You'll see me around a lot since I don't have a job and am always online ;)
  17. groupiekilla06

    Omg - Asap

    The same thing happened to my kitten one day, I was sooo scared he was gonna die but my hubby's mom came over, she's studying to be a nurse, and she used a ton of vaseline and gently pushed it back. It worked and the kitten is all grown up now and has no problems. To answer your question...
  18. groupiekilla06

    My Furry Kids

    Here is a pic of my Bubba wearing his hoodie on our way to PA: This is Bubba and his daddy: This is my foster kitten Houdini, who I bottle fed since he was a day old: This is Houdini at 8 weeks: I eventually gave Houdini to my best friend because he decided he didn't like me anymore. He...
  19. groupiekilla06

    Urgent Fish Move, Need Catch Advice

    If the 10 gallon is near to the current tank, try using two nets, one to herd him in to the other and then just lift him out into the next tank. Provided the water temp and parameters are similar enough to not shock him. Otherwise I would herd him into another container with his own old aquarium...
  20. groupiekilla06

    My Bettas

    Here you go! Megamouth is on the right and the new guy is on the left:
  21. groupiekilla06

    My Bettas

    Hi fellow bettta lovers! I have two male bettas, my older male is Megamouth and my new boy is much smaller but has no name yet. Any ideas? I'll post pics soon.
  22. groupiekilla06

    Hello From Ohio!

    Hi I'm Gina! I am new to these forums but not to fishkeeping. I have two ten gallon tanks, one is cycled but empty and the other has my two remaining tiger barbs, 5 zebra danios (4 females, 1 male), and an otocinclus. I also have a 7 gallon breeding tank with about 50-100 month old zebra danios...