Still Bored? Here Is My Dog

so sweet and good for you at getting a rescue :good: ,
we adopted a female ex breeding boxer in feb, she so sweet.
so sweet and good for you at getting a rescue :good: ,
we adopted a female ex breeding boxer in feb, she so sweet.
yeah i would never pay 1300 dollars for a dog when you get save one from dying for next tonuthing.

now i just need to break her habit of chasing squirrels lol
I also have a Lab/Pitt mix that I rescued from being frozen or starved to death a couple winters ago and he is the best friend I've ever had besides my hubby. His name is Bubba (my dog, not my husband lol)
Your pic isnt loading for me :/ I have a Boxer/Pit, most well behaved breeds I've ever dealt with. I'll check back and see if it loads but Im sure your dog looks great!

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