Search results

  1. N

    Tanks For Sale

    You'll probs get more luck with this in the Buy, Sell and Swap section of the forums, your bound to find more interest. Hope you find a buyer.
  2. N

    Omg I Have Babies In My Tank! Help

    What an amazing surprise to see babies in your tank with no planning of bredding beforehand. At least you know you've made your fish happy and your doing something right and good! :good:
  3. N

    Silver Dollars

    But as a group they'll look amazing. I love the shape of them.
  4. N

    Zebra Danios

    They're also quite tolerant of other species of fish. Because they are so passive when other fish see them swimming about it eases tension and other fish are more likely to start coming out from hiding. (Incase you wanted to add any other fish).
  5. N

    Something To Clean The Tank?.......

    A simple magnetic algae scraper is so handy on the tank sides between big cleans, or if your too busy and need to hold off cleaning by a day or two. Scrape the sides, and then do a large water change makes the tank look alot cleaner. Of course, you can't do this all the time but it does make the...
  6. N

    Favorite Barb?

    Green and normal tiger barbs. They have such feisty personalities and look amazing in a heavily planted tank. =]
  7. N

    Neon Tetra's Hiding

    How long have they been in the tank for? I'm sure once they've warmed up to the fact that the light won't harm them they might settle down =] It's quite a large tank to, with alot of space for them to settle into which is great. I bet it must look amazing when they swim around in a shoal *gasps...
  8. N

    What To Look For In A Betta When Choosing One...

    At the local shop there are some that pace the length of the tank, some that stay constantly hidden guarding ornaments and caves, and some that sit in the corner of the tank at the bottom. Besides personal taste, How do I know what Betta is healthy and well to be taken home. What should I look...
  9. N

    Post Pictures That Made You Laff

    lolololololol :hyper:
  10. N

    My New Crown Tail And Its New Home

    Just wanted to say, That betta looks amazing. It's got such lovely colour to it!
  11. N

    25watt Heater Suitable For A 2.5ish Gallon?

    Ah right, got it. Thank you for your help guys =]
  12. N

    25watt Heater Suitable For A 2.5ish Gallon?

    The tank is quite light, so it must be acrylic. :blush: How will I keep it away from the sides?
  13. N

    25watt Heater Suitable For A 2.5ish Gallon?

    Is a 25watt suitable for a 2.5 Uk Gallon tank? Across the internet it seems to be debatable. Some people have said the tank would be fine without a heater at all, others have said it would be ok on a lower setting? Thought I'd ask you lot here.
  14. N


    In the local pet shop near me the betta's can see their reflections, they pace across from one side to the other, flaring. I guess it didn't help that some with tanks next to each other have fish with really 'flowy' fins. There was a single standing tank near the till with a betta in, But in...
  15. N

    What Do You Do...

    But wouldn't what the fish died from, and how long it had been left in the tank for after it died affect if you clean the tank. If its contagious and other fish in your tank could suffer the same, then I'd clean it all just to be safe. Sorry about the loss of your fish. :sad:
  16. N

    Changed 'redbull's' Tank Around

    Just out of personal Interest... How big is that tank? It's really nice. :good: And what size is that heater? (25,50,etc)
  17. N

    Now All I Need Is The Fish! =]

    Got back from the pet shop late this afternoon with the final things I needed. :rolleyes: Now all I need is the fish! :good: I still gotta set up the tank and let it run thoroughly first, and I'll read the fishless cycle threads beforehand. I think the pet shop was beginning to get fed up of...
  18. N

    I'm So Naughty =]

    I'm not even allowed one...yet. I'm going to buy most of the stuff now, and get a friend to buy me the betta for christmas, or maybe a month or two before ;] I'm all happy now I know for deffo I'm getting the fish! and...that Is all. =]
  19. N

    What's This Filter Thing?

    Friend offered a thing thats not a filter, but disturbs the water. Fits like a filter on the side of the tank. But doesn't filter. What is it? Should I get one for my betta tank? I know they don't like surface water movement but has anyone ever heard of one of these before? ty
  20. N

    This Is A Really Bad Tank For A Betta!

    "This Is A Really Bad Tank For A Betta! " It's possibly bigger than a tank that most people keep their bettas in, and possibly cleaner! :hyper:
  21. N

    Omg Have You Seen This Story On Pfk?

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. That stories wierd. "Um, mum, I...engulfed my betta from my nether regions?"
  22. N

    Betta Pursuasion?

    Ok, So, I really want a betta. I have done for a while. If I'd go out shopping I'd usually end up finding my way to the pet shop and having a nose around. My friend recently got a large tank from her mum from her work (which she got for about £20 and this included a filter, heater, lid, gravel...
  23. N

    At Last! I Have Another Betta!

    Love the tank with the stone decoration in it. It looks amazing. :drool: Your Betta would really stand out in it!
  24. N

    Putting Down Your First Fish :(

    Wilder that post nearlly made me cry x
  25. N

    Can Anyone Recommend A Good Solictor To Counter The Rspca

    I'm not to impressed with the RSPCA either. I called them one time to rescue an injured animal. Gave them the exact directions, the woman on the phone confirmed the location and that they'd arrive within twenty minutes. We waited. The Van never turned up. I would have taken the bird to the vet...
  26. N

    Can I Keep Neon Tetra's On Their Own?

    How about a single angelfish? Is that too cruel to leave it on it's own? Or maybe a goldfish, I have a liking to those to, though I'd prefere tropical fish. Thanks for all the help and advice guys. :]
  27. N

    Can I Keep Neon Tetra's On Their Own?

    Ok, Thanks for the help. The Tank length is 59cm, 33cm High and 11cm deep.
  28. N

    Can I Keep Neon Tetra's On Their Own?

    Heya, We're considering getting Freshwater Tropical fish and I have a couple of questions. We plan to keep them in an aquarium attached to the wall, 11cm deep and 33cm's high. 1) Would it be ok to keep a shoal of Neon's in a tank on their own? 2) Will this stop them from shoaling because there...