This Is A Really Bad Tank For A Betta!

had to laugh at this

""Mentally he was sound and clinically he was absolutely a normal person with no previous history of any psychiatric illness."

methinks someone was horny and experimenting with his fish! but it went a bit wrong, you do not want to know the image i have in my head now!!! :lol:

lmao some of the comments on that page! :lol:

but srsly.. this is gross! i'll be more careful when im doing my water changes now lol
C`mon these things happen.....

or atleast to me they do
everyone learn from this, when you go to pee,leave the fish in the tank :lol: what a story, ill be laughing till tonight on that
"This Is A Really Bad Tank For A Betta! "

It's possibly bigger than a tank that most people keep their bettas in, and possibly cleaner! :hyper:
it is just not possible for a betta fish to swim up a penis like that, some other fish that use it to feed on the host yes, but not a betta.
Hahaha. I really can't even comprehend how you could do that on purpose.... more like i don't want to comprehend.

At least he wasn't holding a 12" oscar whilst relieving himself :lol:
I think the amonia content is a little to high :rolleyes:
At least it was getting daily water changes :lol:

.... the topic should probably just drift down to the bottom of this forum before we scare new members away with cheesy jokes :p

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