At Last! I Have Another Betta!


Eternally pruned fingers!
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Swinging London, UK.
After having a break from bettas I have finally got another tank (yes, that's 9 now) and thus another betta :lol:

He's an LFS find of a beautiful DT that I thought was red and white but turns out under the correct lighting to be red and violet blue.

I've temporarily named him Farmer Giles as he's taken umbridge to one of the several nerite snails in his temporary home of a 20L Arc tank. It's very much a case of 'Get ORF moi LAHND!' :lol:

So, here's his current home with the biube next to it just finishing it's rapid cycle with mature media etc


and here's Farmer G with his 'enemy snail'







He really doesn't like that snail :lol: He's built a huge bubble nest in the corner as well - bless him :D

I can't wait for him to get all 35L of that biube for himself :D
:hyper: looks like the snail is gunna have a hard time for while.
It makes me laugh as he's got 5 other nerites in that tank and he just picks on this particular one! It's so funny looking at his face when he's eyeballing the snail :lol: He goes for it big time!
Lovely vibrant red boy isn't he and nice and healthy looking :good:
He flared at his own reflection first off so I had to take the black background off the tank...





I was impressed that I found him at a very small LFS. He has had some damage to his fins at some time but it's healing very nicely at the moment :D
I tried an experiment last night and moved this particular snail to another tank. This morning Farmer Giles was flaring away at another snail :lol:

Should I leave the snails in the tank or will it stress the fish out too much with this CONSTANT flaring and showing off? -_-
Amazing photos! Wish my camera was that good and that I was better at taking photos!
Love the tank with the stone decoration in it. It looks amazing. :drool:
Your Betta would really stand out in it!

He's loving his palace I have to say :D

I've just exchanged my tiny 15L baby biorb for a 30L cube tank and am now looking in to wild type bettas for it. I'm thinking of a semi paludarium style tank with maybe mangrove plants growing out of the top :D

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