Something To Clean The Tank?.......

A simple magnetic algae scraper is so handy on the tank sides between big cleans, or if your too busy and need to hold off cleaning by a day or two. Scrape the sides, and then do a large water change makes the tank look alot cleaner. Of course, you can't do this all the time but it does make the big clean easier.
Cherry shrimp will eat any left over food but they will not eat the detrius (fish poo and the like). Your best bet would be otocinculus like the others have said for the algae. They stay small and love algae. You will have to feed them algae wafers after they eat all the algae in the tank. The shrimp will be fine eating leftover food and algae but they won't eat all the algae right away. It takes them some time to reach a balance (but they will reach it!)

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