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  1. K

    Silver mollies-help!!!!!

    OK........we're wandering again........ For the record, most fish stores use salt in their water for healing scrapes in handling the fish, transporting, parasites, etc. For most, its a matter of preference. But, it is not necessary. IMO, its a nuisance to have to keep it up...
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    Preventive Maintenance

    Not a pro, by any means; but, compare preventatives to taking whopping doses of megavitamins, antibiotics, antiseptics, etc. for the rest of your life.......Eventually, your immune system would be zapped and you'd die because you had grown a resistance to anything that could save you. Not the...
  3. K

    Where can I get pure ammonia?

    Try a local hardware store or somewhere that carries industrial cleaning products. You can get it in grocery stores here, but read the label to make sure no detergents are added.
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    The Look of Sand

    :wub: My dream tanks! :wub: One does the playsand help in keeping the other sand from packing. Do you still have to stir it occasionally to get rid of anaerobic pockets? If so, do you stir a few places or the entire tank? Guess that was more than one question, but...
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    Compatible Aggressive & Semi-Aggressive Species

    Check out this website Compatible Fish Groups. It should help as the lfs labeling of aggressive and non-aggressive doesn't always fit.
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    "Bio Spira"

    I had the same problem, except with antibiotics. Had no choice. :*) Got a batch of fish that got sick after I quarantined them and had added them to the community tank. Pet Depot carries it here. Seems to be working. Much better than stressing the fish by having to go through regular...
  7. K

    Cloudy Water ?

    Well.............for starters, you tank hasn't had time to cycle since you have fish in it already. So, you probably have bacterial bloom going on causing the cloudiness. Give it time and keep a check on ammonia and nitrite levels. With fish, a cycle could last as long as 6 weeks. :/...
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    Yo-yo and clown loaches

    :P Oh, great loach king! What would we do without your infinite loach knowledge! :D I still want to set up a Kuhli tank! :D
  9. K

    Disinfecting new plants

    Thanks, AA. I'm guessing that by "weak" , I'd use the old 1:5 cure-all. Any idea of how long? I don't want to fry the roots. If this one lives, I'd like to add more and replace the plastic ones. More life-like and all that.
  10. K

    Disinfecting new plants

    Guess I'll BUMP myself! As I need to know really soon.
  11. K

    "Bio Spira"

    Has anyone used this product? I've read what the manufacturer says about it, but I don't agree with putting the stuff in one day and fish the next. I just wandered..... in the case of someone with an emergency situation.....would it help to stabilize the tank? Given there are so many out...
  12. K

    Airstone...what's its purpose??

    I don't know if the bio-wheel helps with surface water movement/oxygenation. I know its main purpose is to provide more surface area for good bacteria to live on. I haven't converted to a bio-wheel type filter yet. They all seem a little pricey. Maybe something to condsider for future...
  13. K

    Airstone...what's its purpose??

    The airstone helps keep your tank oxygenated by providing surface water movement. Fish that are lacking in 02 tend to hang at the top of the tank and gasp for air. Not for sure, but I think betas can do without them. Most other fish need the extra water movement. Your filter may provide all...
  14. K

    Disinfecting new plants

    I have heard that plants can be salt-dipped to rid them of parasites, hydra, etc. I have gotten some moneywort. How do I disinfect it? And is it a true aquatic plant? (meaning does it stay submerged all the time)
  15. K

    Gravel Change?

    Am speaking from past not change all the gravel at once. It will deplete almost all of your bacteria. Try getting a tank divider or something similar to push some of the gravel to one side (leave the divider in place so the old gravel doesn't mix with the new). Add...
  16. K

    I am new to fish But.......

    HTH. straight from www. Compatible Groups of Tropical Fish Species This page contains a list of some Groups of Compatible Tropical Fish species with a few comments about each group and some guidelines to help you choose one of these groups. The appropriate home is given for...
  17. K

    angels being attacted

    I wouldn't even think of keeping angels and mollies in the same tank, again. Yes, I did for a while, until I was reminded of how hyper and bossy mollies are. They think they own the tank and chase anything out of their territory. They will constantly terrorize your angels. For the sake of...
  18. K

    ichy tetras

    Be careful to read all Ich treatments. Some are not to be used on plants or with snails. Unless you can see salt-like grains on the fishes body, you may not have Ich. What you describe sounds more like finrot and then, ammonia poisoning with the red streaks running their fins. I know you...
  19. K

    ichy tetras

    Be careful to read all Ich treatments. Some are not to be used on plants or with snails. Unless you can see salt-like grains on the fishes body, you may not have Ich. Sounds more like ammonia poisoning with the red streaks running their fins. I know you said it was 0. Could it possibly have...
  20. K

    black mollies, white mouth

    I believe its called cotton mouth. Its a fungal infection. As to how to treat it, I'd say its safe to use 1TBS. salt per 5 gallons water for starters, but check your water parameters first. Then, some also increase the temp. to 85 degrees, slowly. (Like 2 degrees per 3 hours) If its a...
  21. K

    Need Help Identifying Possible Illness

    Could be from ammonia burns. Check your ammonia levels first. I don't know if AC's do the same as goldfish, but I had this happen when I had them. The black is sort of like recovering from the burn.
  22. K

    agggggh my wifes gold fish is dying

    Used to keep goldfish and had the red streak experience also. Allowed the tank to get ammonia overload. Goldfish are notorious for ammonia as they are continuous feeders and will eat even when they are not hungry. My suggestion is to do a 25% water change. It wouldn't hurt to add some...
  23. K

    Melafix mayhem

    Although, Melafix is a wonderful product, it is only a disinfectant. Liken it to clean a cut on one of your kids with betadine or peroxide. It's good for external things like scrapes, nipped fins, etc. It won't have any effect on external fungus or parasites. Like the above posts say, do a...
  24. K

    Tank Background

    Have you tried clear package tape? Like cardboard boxes are sealed with? About 2 1/2 inches wide. Mine has been attached for 8 years now. Make sure you clean the glass with some type of glass cleaner. Don't spray it, though. It could contaminate your water. Put some on a paper towel...
  25. K

    plec growth

    :no: But, an 8 inch in a 10 gallon! I don't think so. :no:
  26. K

    Mad mollies

    Walked in unexpectedly on my mollies the other AM very early. They were doing the same thing. I thought they might be ill and did the same thing you did. I think they were probably in a fish "sleep cycle" if thats what you call it. I have heard that fish have a period of low metabolism where...
  27. K

    Angel fish?

    Just a thought. You know how some animals get along with their predators. ie. cats/mice? In theory, if an angel is well fed and not hungry, it may not bother the tetras. In my tank, I have angels with neons. The neons have their area and the angels theirs. They don't bother each other...
  28. K

    plec growth

    Is it a bristlenose? Had 2 females for 4 years that reached 4.5 inches. Thats an average max for bn's. Though Wal-mart :grr: has one about 10 years old in their layaway dept. that is at least 8 inches. Yes, a bristlenose! Bad thing though, they have kept it in a 10 gallon tank that is...
  29. K

    black mollies

    That's normal. In my case, the female chased the male to exhaustion. As I found out later.........Ratio for mollies is 2 females to 1 male. Made all the difference in my tank. :D
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    Depends on the shell. If it came from the ocean (salt water) don't use it in a freshwater tank. Something about the calcium, I think. Don't remember. If it came from a freshwater lake or something similar, it should be ok after boiling.
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    Not to throw a wrench into the fix, but here we use carbon and floss to filter our drinking water. It lasts up to 6 months or so many gallons. And I won't drink water that hasn't been filtered, can't stand the chlorine taste. So I know carbon/charcoal has some qualities. Just don't know if...
  32. K

    Test Kits

    Mardel makes 5 in 1 strips; but, the ammonia strip has to be purchased separately. Excellent readings. Similar to what I use in my pool. They are manufactured here in the states and Canada. DKITH
  33. K


    Don't think that because you can't see the algae, you don't have any. I had 2 plecs for 4 years that kept my tank spotless. I also supplemented with algae wafers. If you're afraid they may be hungry, try the wafers and watch the fireworks. If they don't get exited over them, try feeding them...
  34. K

    Think I Saved Another One!!!!!

    :nod: I hope, I hope! :hyper: Regarding my love (not) for WM's fish department, I think I have pulled a beautiful angelfish through the mistreatment, stress, etc. of WM's "expert" care. :lol: After 4 weeks of babying and coddling, I have a striped angel whose fins are finally unclamping. He...
  35. K

    AngelFish Plague??

    One other source I looked up says the recovered fish (if they survive) may carry the disease up to 6 months.
  36. K

    Hi I'm new :) and looking for advice

    This may be too long to post. If it is go to Compatible fish. Compatible Groups of Tropical Fish Species This page contains a list of some Groups of Compatible Tropical Fish species with a few comments about each group and some guidelines to help you choose one of these groups. The appropriate...
  37. K

    AngelFish Plague??

    Angelfish “Plague”( symptoms: fin rot, hanging around the surface, hiding in dark corners of the tank or caves, shy, not eating. treatment: antibiotics (tetracycline), Melafix for frayed fins Within 7 to 14 days of exposure, some fish begin to turn dark and seek shelter in...
  38. K

    fighting mollies

    Let's face it. As much as we all like mollies, they can become the "terror of the tank". I've had at least 2 or 3 mollies since I was a child and all of them were hyper, fin-biting pains. Adding more just seems to settle down the nipper only to let another one start nipping. My advice: give...
  39. K

    Pebbles and Rocks

    I think somewhere on this site, someone recommended boiling the new rocks 3 times with clean water each time (discarding the boiled water, of course). And then after they cooled, pouring vinegar on them to see if they fizz.
  40. K


    :D yep. forgot to hug the tree :hyper: