agggggh my wifes gold fish is dying


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
well okay guys this is your mission my wife has had this gold fish for over 4 years. it was one of the last presents that she got from her mom before she died. and now I think that I have killed it( it isn't dead yet) but I missed a few(5) days of feedings because of a room remodeling (for our baby on the way)and the doorway to the room has been blocked and then yesterday I feed them and ethel looked like an etheopiean so I only put in a little as so not to shock them. okay this is my plan if the fish lives through the night I am going to be moving him to a 10 gallon hospital tank but I am thinking in his frail state if that wouldn't be to much of a shock for him so here is my ? I don't know what to do somebody help me I don't really really don't want this fish to die.
First of all, the fish shouldn't die from not being fed for 5 days. Yes, I'm sure he's hungry and maybe a bit weak, but fish can live surprisingly long times without food (not that I recommend it). If he is acting really sick I wouldn't necessarily think this is the problem - in fact, I'd suspect the remodeling. Is it possible paint fumes or something toxic could have gotten into the tank, or even into the room? Even a tiny amount can kill a fish. It shouldn't be too much of a shock to move him into the hospital tank - if you think that will help (won't if there's somethin in the room bothering him). If the temperate and pH are the same in the tank, as well as 0 ammonia and nitrites, that could be a good idea - it depends on what you think his behavior is due to. Also - is he by himself now? If he's not, and he's being picked on, yes move him, but if not - why bother (once again, unless there's somethin toxic in the tank). Any unnecessary stress could of course cause more problems, so be careful, and good luck.
I can't think of anything being toxic in there cause then wouldn't the other 3 fish that are in there be showing some sort of reaction? anyhow the fish in question has stopped eatin so I am thinking that it won't be long before it dies at the ripe old age of 4.5 years old( pretty good for a fish that was bought at wal-mart as one of their 25 cent feeders.) I'd say that it is really good considering that I could never keep one alive past 1 week
I think I may of figured out the coulprit in the sick gold fish. today when I lookied at him I noticed a few white spots on his tail and that the rays on his tail seemed to be red and irritated so because he was already sick I just decided that I should go ahead and treat the whole tank.
hmm well there might be somethin else but it doesn't seem to much like it. A very small chance that your goldfish are breeding. do you know the sexes of the goldfish. It's prolly ich but still a very little chance about breeding.
juan - What do you plan to treat the tank with? It's usually not a good idea to treat with medicines unless you know the problem. If he has red streaks that may be a sign of ammonia poisoning - have you checked your water parameters - ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates? Also - it may help him to do a water change, especially if you have any ammonia or nitrites present in your tank. Check that out, and diagnose him before you treat him, if possible.
Used to keep goldfish and had the red streak experience also. Allowed the tank to get ammonia overload. Goldfish are notorious for ammonia as they are continuous feeders and will eat even when they are not hungry.

My suggestion is to do a 25% water change. It wouldn't hurt to add some Melafix, because you may begin to notice some black looking smudges on him. These will be from ammonia burns that are beginning to heal. The Melafix will help the external burns.

Check daily for ammonia and do water changes daily (do not disturb the gravel) until the ammonia levels return to normal.

Follow the directions that come with the Melafix, I think you use it for seven days.

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