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  1. Avinitlarge

    I Came Home And Found Something In My Tank

    When I got home today, I found 2 new fish in my tank. 2 cobalt blue Discus!! My other half had been out and bought them!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! She has wanted some for years now, I told her no but she bought them anyway. I know nothing about looking after them. She wont let me take them back to the LFS...
  2. Avinitlarge

    X2 Plecs For Sale Gibbicep(Sailfin)+Common

    Ok, No problem.
  3. Avinitlarge

    X2 Plecs For Sale Gibbicep(Sailfin)+Common

    Could you put my name on the Sailfin please. I am up that way later this week, Going to see a friend in Kimberworth
  4. Avinitlarge

    X2 Plecs For Sale Gibbicep(Sailfin)+Common

    Are you near Chap or Thorpe Hesley?? How big is the sailfin??
  5. Avinitlarge

    Cleaning Rocks And Corel

    I am giving my tank a good cleaning. Ive cleaned all of the plastic and resin ornaments with bleach and the have come up good. I have 2 pieces of corel and 2 pieces of rock that I need to clean, I dont fancy using bleach as I imagine they are porus. I have scrubbed them and boiled them but the...
  6. Avinitlarge

    Oh Hum

    Oh Hum
  7. Avinitlarge

    Cleaning Rocks And Corel

    I have been giving my tank a good clean. Ive cleaned the plastic and resin ornaments with bleach and they have come up good. I have 2 rocks and 2 pieces of corel that need cleaning, I dont fancy using bleach on them as I dont know how porus they are. Ive tried scrubbing with a tooth brush...
  8. Avinitlarge

    Mixing Severum's

    About 2 years ago I bought 3 Green Severum's. I liked the look of them so 6 months after I looked into buying some gold Severum's. I was told NOT to mix Severum's, I thought "Sod it" and and bought 2 Gold Severums anyway. They have never fort, They all seem to get on really well. Anyway, One of...
  9. Avinitlarge

    Poorly Catfish, Some Kinda Growth. Help Please

    Thats it, He's gone to the big tank in the sky :sad: RIP
  10. Avinitlarge

    Poorly Catfish, Some Kinda Growth. Help Please

    I think so too :sad: , Fancy popping over to do it? Your only a couple of miles away :lol:
  11. Avinitlarge

    Poorly Catfish, Some Kinda Growth. Help Please

    The grownths have gone, Problem is, So has half of the fishes face. The nose area is non existant. Help, Please. I have no idea what is wrong
  12. Avinitlarge

    Poorly Catfish, Some Kinda Growth. Help Please

    The lump is white with a bit of red. Not sure if its soft or hard. It looks a bit like a cauliflower, Its been there for a couple of days now
  13. Avinitlarge

    Poorly Catfish, Some Kinda Growth. Help Please

    No idea whats wrong here. I cant put the fish in the hospital tank as it was smashed. Seems bloated and floats on the top. Ive tried anti internal bacteria treatment, Had no effect
  14. Avinitlarge

    Featherfin Can't Swim Properly

    Dos he look bloated. Nope Any signs of flicking and rubbing. Its not moved for a day or so Any excess mucas on the gills or body of the fish. Nope What does it look like when he goes to the toilet.From what Ive seen it looks normal It sounds bacterial. Can you issolate him and try a bacterial...
  15. Avinitlarge

    Featherfin Can't Swim Properly

    Ive checked on the fish this morning, Its tail fin has fallen to pieces, There is very little left of it. Does this give any ideas??
  16. Avinitlarge

    Featherfin Can't Swim Properly

    Anyone?????? :unsure:
  17. Avinitlarge

    Featherfin Can't Swim Properly

    Ive now got another hospital tank 12" X 8" X 8" Ive caught the Poorly featherfin, It did put up a fight though, Seems to have plenty of life left in it. It has gotten to the point where it just lies on the bottom and moves once or twice a day. Could this be a swim bladder problem??
  18. Avinitlarge

    Featherfin Can't Swim Properly

    Ive just notice the fishes eyes have started to go cloudy if that means anything??
  19. Avinitlarge

    Featherfin Can't Swim Properly

    Ive tried to plant it, The silver dollars love to demolish it all though. I thought Wilder would have replied, She usually does.
  20. Avinitlarge

    Featherfin Can't Swim Properly

    Sorry, Nitrate is 50, Not 250. Its down to the tap water! Ive even taken a water sample to the LFS, He said the water is perfect apart from the Nitrate. Amonia and Nitrite are 0. The tank is a 350L with another Featherfin, 3 silver dollars, 1 spotted and 1 striped raphael catfish and 3 sevrums...
  21. Avinitlarge

    Featherfin Can't Swim Properly

    Ive done ok for a while (Welcome back; your last visit was: Dec 22 2007, 12:10 PM) Anyway, One of my featherfin catfish can't swim properly. I seems to have lost the use of its pectoral fins. In layman's terms, It can't steer its self. This is one fish I can't see die. I love my feather fins...
  22. Avinitlarge

    Tiny Worms On The Glass

    I should have said that I used super macro on the camera, That picture is showing an area that is about 1cm2
  23. Avinitlarge

    Tiny Worms On The Glass

    Ive notice the front of my small tank is covered in tiny worms of some kind, I have no idea what they are, Where they came from or if they are dangerous, Does anyone know what they are?
  24. Avinitlarge

    Fish Growth

    The Kribs vary from about 10mm to 20mm and the clown loach from about 30mm - 40mm, I need them to be about 50mm, If not, Pig Pictus will have a feast
  25. Avinitlarge

    Fish Growth

    I have a few clown loach and a few young Kribs in my, Small tank. They are all too small to put in my 350L without being eaten. Is there anything I can feed them to make them grow quicker?? I feed them on flake, Catfish pellets and bloodworm at the momment
  26. Avinitlarge

    I Like To Play With Mud (lots Of Pics)

    There is a site the is for 4X4's only, £25 for the day. It is called frickley, Between doncaster and pontefract. There are quite a few sites like this around the country
  27. Avinitlarge

    Pictus Catfish Questions

    My pictus eat my zebra loach and a sucking loach, The sucking loach was 2" long and the zebra loach was a touch smaller
  28. Avinitlarge

    Repetitive Behaviour In My Pictus

    I had one do this, Just swam backwards and forwards, Now I know why, I do have a white lined Pim and he has never acted strange, Had him for 3 years now, He is pretty big too, About 7"
  29. Avinitlarge

    Heater For 350l

    I am getting my new 350L tank this week, What wattage heater is recommended??
  30. Avinitlarge

    I Like To Play With Mud (lots Of Pics)

    In may I decided I needed a bigger car, I wanted something practical but something that I could have fun it, I bought a Mitsubishi Pajero, Here is what I like to use if for. Below are a few Pics, The rest are here
  31. Avinitlarge

    Very Ill Feather Fin Catfish, Please Help

    OOO ERRR, It was nothing like that, I think it was caused by a few battle wounds on mine
  32. Avinitlarge

    Dead Clown Loach

    Its a bit late to be an emergency but Someone may beable to shed some light on the problem Thursday morning I checked my fish when I woke up, No problems Thursday Evening I got in from work, All 3 of my clown loach had died, Everything else was and is fine. Why would this happen??
  33. Avinitlarge

    Very Ill Feather Fin Catfish, Please Help

    Well, After a week on his own with the methalyn blue, All is good, He is back in the main tank, Eating well, Very active. :yahoo: Shame a cant say the same about my clown loach :rip:
  34. Avinitlarge

    Very Ill Feather Fin Catfish, Please Help

    55 Gallon Got some corel and rocks but they have been in for over a year No chemicals have been added to the tank Nothing has changed, The setup has been the same for over a year without any problems. The fish does seem to have perked up a bit but I am still worried
  35. Avinitlarge

    Very Ill Feather Fin Catfish, Please Help

    Well, The piece shown in the picture is now hanging off, I could really do with some help here, Its not looking good
  36. Avinitlarge

    Very Ill Feather Fin Catfish, Please Help

    On Saturday one of my feather fin catfish was looking very lifeless, I took it out of the main tank and put it in the hospital tank, I added some anti fungus and fin rot treatment because it was looking a little battered, Today it looks even worse, It looks as if part of the fish has started to...
  37. Avinitlarge

    Greedy Pig Pictus

    It shouldnt have been, I but about 20 prawns in a few hours before
  38. Avinitlarge

    Paradise Fish

    I had 3, the 2 bigger ones were nasty and killed a few of our fish, I gave then to a friend with a cichlid tank, They seem to be doing alot better there
  39. Avinitlarge

    Greedy Pig Pictus

    Very dead, I know you are not supposed to keep smaller fish with a large pim, But eating a 3" fish is rediculous. They have lived together for 2 years now without any probs.
  40. Avinitlarge

    Greedy Pig Pictus

    Today our white lined pim has been acting very odd, Its been gasping, Very boated and lifeless. Ive been watching it all day to make sure it was ok, About 5 mins ago it had a right fit with its mouth wide open, It then coughed up our 3" sucking loach, I knew these fish were greedy but this is...