Poorly Catfish, Some Kinda Growth. Help Please


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, Rotherham, England
No idea whats wrong here. I cant put the fish in the hospital tank as it was smashed.

Seems bloated and floats on the top. Ive tried anti internal bacteria treatment, Had no effect



Can't make much out in the pics.
What colour is the lump.
Does the lump look hard, or soft like filled with fluid.
Does the lump resemble a caulifllower.
Any redness to the lump.
Has the lump suddenly appeared.
Can't make much out in the pics.
What colour is the lump.
Does the lump look hard, or soft like filled with fluid.
Does the lump resemble a caulifllower.
Any redness to the lump.
Has the lump suddenly appeared.

The lump is white with a bit of red. Not sure if its soft or hard. It looks a bit like a cauliflower, Its been there for a couple of days now
If you have an issolation tank you could try double dosing the anti internal bacteria med.
You can double dose in severe cases.
Sounds like her face has rotted away.
I would think of putting the fish out of its misery.
Not nice I know.
he could be putting the other fish at risk.
I would do some daily water changes on your main tank.

Get a jug of very cold water and add ice cubes till the water freezing cold. If no ice cubes put the jug in the freezer till a thin sheet of ice appears on top of the water.
Place the fish in the freezing water. it shouldn't take long.
Leave the fish a while to make sure its passed away. Check gills are not moving.

So sad.
Bless Him.

He quite big so you might need a bucket.
Rotherham not far for hatfield nr doncaster.
Bless Him.

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