Very Ill Feather Fin Catfish, Please Help


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2005
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South Yorkshire, Rotherham, England
On Saturday one of my feather fin catfish was looking very lifeless, I took it out of the main tank and put it in the hospital tank, I added some anti fungus and fin rot treatment because it was looking a little battered, Today it looks even worse, It looks as if part of the fish has started to die/Rot, It doesnt look good, I really need help on this as my feather fins are my favorite fish :sad:

It reminds me of Columnaris, but not quite.

What size tank was he orginally in?
Had you added anything new like decorations?
Had any chemicals been added?
Have you recently changed anything in your fish tank that may have caused him to become "ill" like this? (not purposly knowing)?
55 Gallon
Got some corel and rocks but they have been in for over a year
No chemicals have been added to the tank
Nothing has changed, The setup has been the same for over a year without any problems.

The fish does seem to have perked up a bit but I am still worried
I havent got a clue with this one but you could use melafix treatment? and keep the water/tank clean.
Check out my posts under the name of Briobug. I have finally just gotten my boys back in shape.

My last update is still on this first page of Emergency section. It's titled 'Things are looking up...'

Is it anything like that? It's like my guy just lost all pigment. There was nothing hanging on his skin or fuzzy or anything.
Check out my posts under the name of Briobug. I have finally just gotten my boys back in shape.

My last update is still on this first page of Emergency section. It's titled 'Things are looking up...'

Is it anything like that? It's like my guy just lost all pigment. There was nothing hanging on his skin or fuzzy or anything.

OOO ERRR, It was nothing like that, I think it was caused by a few battle wounds on mine

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