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  1. pdludbrooke

    Nice Rock Found Giving Off A Stream Of Small Air Bublbles ?

    thanks, I have piece of mind again!! I checked the rock by putting white vinegar on it and no fizz, so thought it was safe, the air bubbles have began to slow, thanks again Fluttermoth! I got to do something while my filter is cycling....................
  2. pdludbrooke

    Nice Rock Found Giving Off A Stream Of Small Air Bublbles ?

    I found a nice bit of solid slate like rock toady covered in green stuff and mud, I cleaned it all up, put it through the dishwasher (no detergent) baked it for half an hour at 250 c and washed it again, then through the dishwasher again (no detergent) then rinced thoroughly, I have put it in an...
  3. pdludbrooke

    Effect Of Blue Light On Fw Tank.

    WOW, nice tank, how many litres does it hold ?
  4. pdludbrooke

    Bog Wood Bought From Bootsale Is It Ok ?

    I just put it through one hot cycle in the dishwasher and it has lost a conciderable amount of the buoyancy it had, I'm going to do another hot cycle in the dishwasher and soak it again, thanks for all your help!
  5. pdludbrooke

    Effect Of Blue Light On Fw Tank.

    I like to have the blue LED's on at night, I haven't got any fish yet (Fishless cycle) so I don't know what the fish will look like with the Blue LED's ??
  6. pdludbrooke

    Effect Of Blue Light On Fw Tank.

    Don't forget to message me when you have them setup, thanks Ron
  7. pdludbrooke

    Bog Wood Bought From Bootsale Is It Ok ?

    Cheers, thanks very much, in to the dish washer it goes!!
  8. pdludbrooke

    Effect Of Blue Light On Fw Tank.

    Your tank is going to look pretty remarkable with the Blue LED's, I have another tank which has only a white light, I was looking in to the blue LED's off ebay as it looks dull at night, are the LED's the one's which can be used on cars as well ?
  9. pdludbrooke

    Bog Wood Bought From Bootsale Is It Ok ?

    I bought this bit of wood for £1.00 from a boot sale thinking it was for an aquarium, does it look ok ? I have been soaking it for a week, and it still floats, it made the water go like tea ?? I tested the water for ammonia after the week and the test was clear, are there any other tests I...
  10. bog wood.jpg

    bog wood.jpg

  11. pdludbrooke

    Effect Of Blue Light On Fw Tank.

    Sounds great, I would really like to see your your tank when you have your LED's setup in it, please can you message me when you upload your photo's ?
  12. pdludbrooke

    Effect Of Blue Light On Fw Tank.

    I don't get any effect with both white and the blue LED, my tank has only one LED so having more may give a different effect, here's my tank running in night mode (one LED)
  13. pdludbrooke

    Effect Of Blue Light On Fw Tank.

    I have a blue LED built in to my tank (Reefmax 60 convertrd to FW) I don't have any fish yet as I'm in a fishless cycle, the blue LED is timed to go on 12 hours a day (evening) and it looks amazing, the flow from my filter causes a beautiful shimmering all around in side the tank.
  14. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycle Disaster Or Not ?

    I am 2-3 weeks in to my fishless cycle, I was getting very high (off the chart) nitrite readings, I was advised to do a 90% water change which I did, but I forgot to add any dechlorinator to the new water till the last minute. I also had rearranged the scape of the gravel (tesco low dust cat...
  15. pdludbrooke

    Seriously Need Help With The Api Nitrite Test

    Right I have done the massive water change 90% and checked the readings this morning for nitrite, when I put the drops in to the sample water they are blue(duck egg blue) then after 5 mins purple about 2.00ppm Nitrite, thanks for all your help I got a little confused with all that. I forgot to...
  16. pdludbrooke

    Seriously Need Help With The Api Nitrite Test

    It did cghange colour immediately to purple and after 5-10 mins was blue
  17. pdludbrooke

    Seriously Need Help With The Api Nitrite Test

    I need help reading this test as when I put the 5 drops in I get purple stuff at the bottom, when I leave it for the 5 mins I get blue, is this how the test works for you guys ? I have left it for a bit now total 10 min s it has gone green, light green......
  18. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycling

    1oz of ammonia per gallon sounds ver extreme (VERY) I have a 100 litre (about 25 gallons) I used 4ml of household ammonia (10% ammonia)
  19. pdludbrooke

    Cycle Log (Ntrites Starting To Go Down)

    My nitrites have started to go down, I seen this by accident as forgot about my tests I was doing for ammonia and nitrite and left them for 10 mins while I was on here replying to a post. I always gave up looking at the nitrite test when the liquid turned purple straight away as it hit the tank...
  20. pdludbrooke

    Does Anyone Know How ...

    That is so funny LOL
  21. pdludbrooke

    Cycle Progress

    I'm with you there, it's quite funny how people respond when I say, and try to explain "I am doing a fishless cycle"
  22. pdludbrooke

    Cycle Progress

    Let us know how you got on with the NitrAte test!!
  23. pdludbrooke

    Cycle Progress

    by the way feeling really pleased your cycles getting there, I am doing the same as you with the fishless cycle, not quite as far as you have got though, but feeling your achievement with you, I can't wait!! But all good things do come from patience and perserverance!
  24. pdludbrooke

    Cycle Progress

    If your using the API test kit you really have to bang that second bottle as you shake it about six or seven times against a hard table, make sure your getting any stuff that may have got stuck at the bottom of the bottle (good knows what's in there) mixed in, then add to the test tube after...
  25. pdludbrooke

    Salt To Fresh Conversion

    HI Tom, do you use anything under your sand or just sand, also how are your plants fed ?
  26. pdludbrooke


    I'm really sorry to hear about that, I understand how you feel.
  27. pdludbrooke

    I Need Some Help With Fishless Cycle Ammonia Dose

    cheers! Will do, first time panic syndrome, better than new tank syndrome
  28. pdludbrooke

    I Need Some Help With Fishless Cycle Ammonia Dose

    Hi Tizer, I have done the 75% water change this morning at 5.00am before work and now my nitrites are still reading through the roof and my ammonia is taking a little longer to get lower was reading 0.50 -1.0 ppm after 12 hours. Do I need to do another water change to get the nitrites lower or...
  29. pdludbrooke

    I Need Some Help With Fishless Cycle Ammonia Dose

    Tizer my ammonia is gone in 12 hours, I have redosed up to 3ppm as you said, do I keep going re dosing to 3ppm when it hits 0 ?
  30. pdludbrooke

    I Need Some Help With Fishless Cycle Ammonia Dose

    OK, I am now filling up my other 100litre tank so I can dechlorinate and get the temperature up to do the change tomorrow!!! Many Thanks (it's really good to know I have support)
  31. pdludbrooke

    I Need Some Help With Fishless Cycle Ammonia Dose

    Thanks Tizer, I am 11 days in, I followed your advice and started from scratch rather than use a friends filter media to get a quicker cycle. This water change, when would be a good time to do it ? I need to consider the NItrItes ?? Also I use Seachem prime to treat the water, I remember you...
  32. pdludbrooke

    Cat Litter, Please Tell Me Why

    The grey cat litter (Fullers earth) turns to mush and trebles in space, I tried this first and coated with an inch of sand, don't know if it works for plants, gave up and tried the low odour stuff from tesco, currently cycling my tank (for the first time) with it, does look good, will see how...
  33. pdludbrooke

    I Need Some Help With Fishless Cycle Ammonia Dose

    Yes are tap water is very high in NitrAte, the water company says 37ppm my test kit says 40ppm Also I was doing the nitrate test wrong, I now have banged the second bottle several tmes while shaking longer than the specified 30 seconds (2 mins just to be sure) and my results are 40ppm tap and...
  34. pdludbrooke

    Help Help Help My Nitrates Gone Down More Than Originally

    REALLY SORYY.......did more of a search on line about API test kits, Banging the second bottle on the table while shaking for a minute or two and then testing shows my tank water very deep red 160ppm, tap water between 20-40ppm, guess you really need to bang that bottle 2, thanks My arm really...
  35. pdludbrooke

    Help Help Help My Nitrates Gone Down More Than Originally

    I am in day 11 of my first ever fishless cycle (with my first ever tropical aquarum) every thing seem sto be going to plan, my ammonia I am adding was all gone today after adding enough to bring it up to half my original dose nitrItes through the roof, but my nitrates have gone down ??? from...
  36. pdludbrooke

    I Need Some Help With Fishless Cycle Ammonia Dose

    Hi Tracey B, I have checked my NitrAte and I can tell you I wasn't looking forward to all that again from the first time I tested the water in the tank and the water from my tap water (my arm is very sore. But I am shocked my tap and my tank water back to 23rd (6 days) ago showed 40ppm and now...