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  1. R

    New tank

    well, you guys i want to thank you so much for the advice.. and i did go to some garage sales this weekend and this one had a octagon shaped tank with everything pump plants rocks sand i mean alot of stuff with it and stand here is a photo of it..for $30 i ask would he take $20 he said yes..:)...
  2. R

    New tank

    ok thanks for the input but i need some info from those of you that have had either or both of these fish.. i already have some convicts and they live in my community tank and they do fine. but then again they are little just now.....
  3. R

    pics of my 120 gallon

    well, i was looking into this one and rollntider was wondering did you finish this and can you show me where you posted the finished tank. please
  4. R

    african cichlids

    yes , but this is only at my store
  5. R

    african cichlids

    attention anyone in the austin area. i have some cichlids for sale in my store i had to mark them down cause they are getting to big for the tank and i want them to get a good home .. yellows and blues mostly.. thought i would let you know here also don't worry guys we don't just sell them to...
  6. R


    hello , ok i am starting a new 10 gal. tank with convict babies i need info on how many i can put in this tank i know they grow fast so won't have to many to long .. also what colors can i get when they grow up.. already have one that changed colors on me.. and i need to know what else i can put...
  7. R

    New tank

    hello , all just need some basic info this time. i am setting up a new 10gal. for my daughter . i want to use sand instead of gravel cause i saw the ones on here and they look so cool.. anyways my question is not about that cause i found that part. but about the fish we intend to put in it.. we...
  8. R

    Cups For Males

    thanks for the info i need to do more research i guess .. i love bettas and tried to breed one time but no luck.. guess that was a good thing....don't really have room for all that anyways think i want to start a new 10gal. don't know what kind of fish yet but i want to do it with sand instead...
  9. R

    Cups For Males

    ok i am confused.. like i have said before i am learning so tell me how big does the bowl need to be to raise a betta fry? ours are the new size bowls and they are as big as the deli cups that you or someone was talking about buying. i am looking into getting some cheap from a source..
  10. R

    another puffers question

    oh , ok sorry about that was just reading to fast not really paying attention.. cool maybe i can get some i will have to ask i bet i could sell them really well in my store.. of course i would have to get a printout of info for my customers first.. but i do that with alot of my fish i sell now..
  11. R

    Cups For Males

    just an idea if anyone is around the austin area i can maybe get some of the walmart cups from my work... i can ask tomorrow and see what the charge.. and let you know tomorrow,..
  12. R

    another puffers question

    just curios what walmart? i am in texas and we can not get puffers in our store. also just to let you know if you put that puffer if it is a true puffer then you can say good bye to some of your fish.. they may eat or beat them up.. i here they are very aggressive fish.. and puffers i don't...
  13. R

    5 days no more dead fish

    zanne , no that was not my store apparently we have some one or something from around here hitting all our stores the store in pflurgerville so far isn't hit.. but the one at 620 and 183 just got hit a few weeks after mine.. and the one in cedar park was hit last week.. someone is putting hand...
  14. R

    5 days no more dead fish

    well, thanks for the advice but i don't keep fish that long i get a new shippment every thur.. and i have to tell ya, i got the new fish yesterday and i am almost out of fish again they have sold like monday i will be out completely... everyone has gone out and set up there tanks...
  15. R

    5 days no more dead fish

    well, just an update we got the new shippment today and all is well, only had like 4 die today before i left hope it is all good now.. everything looked nice.. lots of pretty fish to sell.. i know it will go well, and next week i am on vacation after all this i need it bad.. :) i will be in...
  16. R

    5 days no more dead fish

    well, it has been 5 days and i am doing good no more dead fish, i get a new shippment in tomorrow lots of new babies.. yeah, so i hope it is all over and i can get back to business....:)
  17. R

    I am so Happy

    thanks for all the input... i added the page you sent me inchworm to my added collection to handouts for the store.. i will give these out to anyone who is buying these snails from us.. this will help me too i can read up on them before i sell them and my partner too.. she will love this...
  18. R

    I am so Happy

    well, i know that but you know when you have a whole dept. to run it is hard to spend all the time on the tanks i have learned to use the cat fish and pleco's and stuff to work on the warm water side of my tanks but i need something that would work on the cold( gold fish ) side.. some pleco's...
  19. R

    I am so Happy

    i am getting some gold and black mystery snails on Thurs. i was hoping that they could live in the goldfish side of tanks.. i need something to eat the algae that is just all over so i don't have to clean everyother day..what can i get for those tanks?
  20. R

    I am so Happy

    Hello, again i am just here to let you all know i am back in business with my fish. lpd.. we are happy to say we have only lost 5 fish in five days and all looks good. most of the 5 where due to other fish picking on them. anyways. i talked it over with my partner and we will no longer carry...
  21. R

    out of luck again.

    thanks inchworm and to let you all know i did have a great weekend and i am back now.. checked on the fish today and all is going well, i only had 5 death's in 4 days ... :) i am so happy and the ones that died where not the new ones they where older ones we had in the tanks from before...
  22. R

    out of luck again.

    going on day two and still not a one died from my new shippment.. :) i am in business again.... yeah,, all my really big fantails sold like 1 hr after i received them and almost all the little feeders where gone this morning when i came in.. all sold not dead.......well, just an update..see ya...
  23. R

    Recently Joined

    welcome Ray,, i love it here hope you do too.
  24. R

    out of luck again.

    well, hello everyone i haven't left the building sort of speak just busy worring about the fish.. anyways thought you all should know i am back in the fish biz again.. it wasn't anything much this time.. just added to much salt cause that is what i was told would cure the fish.. anyways did a...
  25. R

    here is my pleco

    pleco's are cool and i want one i saw on here the one with the blue. where can i get one..?
  26. plecos.jpg


  27. R

    out of luck again.

    thanks everybody....
  28. R

    out of luck again.

    fishless cycle of course.. this is how we started out.. too.. we have the bio wheel system i love it .. but i am sad. i was hopeing that i had this taken care of. but like you said this is for the best..
  29. R

    out of luck again.

    ok, i have had the worst luck this last 3 weeks i want to thank you all for the help before but i got bad news. my fish are dieing again this time no sickness signs just dieing.. so we are selling and takeing all the fish out of my tanks. cleaning and redo it all this time let them run for 8...
  30. R

    walmart cicilids i have

    sorrell i always refer them to the ones i saw at the ladies house that i got my oscars from her's where 18 if they where anything i bet... she had them in 100gal. tank with 4 oscars.. i about fainted when i saw them .. it looked as though they where in a 10 gal. with no room to run.... :(
  31. R

    my oscars

    i have only had them since dec.. the lady that i got them from said they where 1 yr.. she is one of those people that did not do her research and had 4 oscars and 2 pacu's and had all in a 100gal. tank they of corse out grew it.. and she was going to let them go in the san gabrial river i told...
  32. R

    I love my job

    thanks for your help inchworm.. yes things are better... what is asda? as for my koi i keep them outside in a pond not in the tanks.. that would just be crazy... as for pacu's like i said in my other tread i do not sell them or any other fish without telling people about how big they will get...
  33. R

    walmart cicilids i have

    not only do i keep my tanks clean but i also don't sell fish with my tanks and nether does my assoc. in my store at least not the ones in my area.. and we are now giveing out the handouts i got off this forum from inchworm about cycleing tanks.. but then again i never sold fish with my tanks i...
  34. R

    I love my job

    not enough but i still like my job. been there 9 1/2 years and still counting only been with the pets dept. 2 years. but have worked all over now i am dept. manager over pets..
  35. R

    my oscars

    i don't know the sex's of them they are in the same tank so if they mate then i will know i guess...
  36. R

    I love my job

    live bait sold here. in the sporting goods area.. the other one is for when i fish where sick. it says sorry for the inconveniece we can not sell fish at this time.. except betta's and the lg. koi. all things are fixed now though fish are fine so we don't have that one up anymore
  37. R

    my oscars

    in the same tank they don't eat crickets my husband babies them so they get feeders and cat food and cicilid food only...
  38. R

    sex an oscar?

    zelda i have pic's up now they are in the forum where the photo's go... check them out and tell me what you think.. also question for you why zelda.. that is my favorite game.. and i had a rabbit named zelda too
  39. R

    my oscars

    number 2