walmart cicilids i have


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2004
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these are my cicilids from work.


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more of my tanks tiger barb. and fruit tetra


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It is a white skirt tetra but companys LIKE WALMART call them Fruit Tetra Because there..........

I wished they would make people have a liscene to buy large fish like pacus so they wont be released into the wild. Pacus get huge and i bet most of them are sold to people with 10 and 20 gallon tanks
rollntider said:
I wished they would make people have a liscene to buy large fish like pacus so they wont be released into the wild. Pacus get huge and i bet most of them are sold to people with 10 and 20 gallon tanks
Fish shouldn't even be sold with tanks, they have to cycle first :eek: I saw a couple buy 2 irredecent sharks with a small 12 gallon bow front. The sharks were only 3 inches but they wouldn't grow anyway because they would just die a couple hours later in an uncycled tank :X I don't buy fish from walmart, I think of it as a food store. No offence to anyone here but it shouldn't kill----I mean sell fish. Hopefully, walmartfish, you maintain the tanks well and keep the fish alive while they are at the store :thumbs: :kewlpics:
not only do i keep my tanks clean but i also don't sell fish with my tanks and nether does my assoc. in my store at least not the ones in my area..
and we are now giveing out the handouts i got off this forum from inchworm about cycleing tanks.. but then again i never sold fish with my tanks i always told the customer it was better to go home and start the new tank and come back later for the fish when the tanks where right and that we could test the water for them if they brought in a sample ..yes that is a skirt tetra.. what would impress you maybe come by my store and see what i have and what i do for my fish.. they are my babies and i would not sell just to have them die.. i take pride in my fish and my tanks...hope to revive the trust in walmart .. some day.. also i do not sell pacu's or any other fish without telling the person what to expect as far as the size the fish will get.. :)
shouldnt generalize all wal marts..

the ones in the pic look good.. compared to the ones i have seen..

generalizing all wal marts as being bad is wrong..

some have ppl that no 0 about fish ..

and some have ppl like walmart guy that actually know something about fish and can make wal marts fish department at the least decent.
I agree that this Wal-Mart doesn't seem as bad because the staff is interested in keeping the fish healthy and educating the customers. I do wonder though about the dyed fish and the pacus, who is going to be able to house those? My Wal-Mart has a sign by the pacus that says "up to 10inches" Bull$@%&!!!! Well, maybe up to 10 inches before they die... :sly:
sorrell i always refer them to the ones i saw at the ladies house that i got my oscars from her's where 18 if they where anything i bet... she had them in 100gal. tank with 4 oscars.. i about fainted when i saw them .. it looked as though they where in a 10 gal. with no room to run.... :(
yea.... pacus really shouldnt be sold at a place like wal mart but they in it for the money so yea..

but ne ways.. the tanks look clean at least

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