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  1. M

    How Do You Keep Your Betta Fish Entertained?

    wow korki the dolphin/ now betta trick :P seems very cool. Personally my betta loves to do barrel rolls when I spin this little toy I know. It's so cool. He loooks a bit like an f-16 fighter jet. SIKKKKKKK
  2. M

    Betta Tank

    hmm I want one of those now...but £39.99 is quite expensive...for me that's about :rolleyes: $50.00!!! lol Ill stick with the 2 ½ gallons for 39.99 here :P
  3. M

    A Few Stupid Betta Questions

    the pin hole holes in the fins could also be him quickly darting around and ripping his fins a betta is like that..he darts around too much and rips his hole size...
  4. M

    She`s Getting Better!

    omg that seems so sad..but glad to hear that she can surface...have u tried mayb a plat form or for example...lets say this --> was you tank |________|..try to make some kind of platform |===       |...look weird yeah but what it is is that there some type of platform just...
  5. M

    Pictus Catfish

    I have a pictus catfish with my betta...they seem to get along decently...will/can there be any fights?
  6. M

    A Few Stupid Betta Questions

    my question small tank with a platy and 2 guppies gets dirty quickly, but it has no gravel...can i still add plants. If so, which is best to clean up or break down food?
  7. M

    A Few Stupid Betta Questions

    Ok dont have all the answers but most..... 1) Don't use the pea. The movement of the water will probably frighten him. Just simply make sure he is directly infront of the food (which should be a good quality pellet food ie Hikari/Atison's) and drop it in. Let 1 stay there and observe him to see...
  8. M

    Jam Jars Replicate Their Natural Enviroment

    So inhumane...And the rice paddies that I've seen where bettas are kept or at least..used to be, are really really long and shallow to medium height. Like |____________________(°))|<______________________| That's the betta in comparison to the rice paddie..It's so wrong andif you want to make...
  9. M

    Can I Put A Betta In With A Fry?

    bUcky's right...Most likely, the betta will harrass and nip the littlefry untill death or will try to take them as enemies and try to attack and flare. He will chase them unless he's really nice :P
  10. M

    Hello Everyone

    Hello! My name's matty101 AKA Matt :blink: I have just began to get into the hobby of freshwater fish and tropical fish but I know a great deal. I love to help others and that's one reason why I picked to reister for this site. Another reason is that you guys have quite a HUGE number of members...