How Do You Keep Your Betta Fish Entertained?

tried the ping pong ball , dash ignores it :(

he ignores the marble too

he likes playing follow the finger tho , but since his best friend passed away 4 days ago he has been a bit down in the dumps (his best friend was , believe it or not , my male dwarf gourami bert )
Teaching them to do tricks is actually pretty easy and it is cool when they do it. I taught my last betta, who has been the most intelligent betta I've seen, to jump out of the water on command and to swim backwards with his head partly out of the water (think dolphin show at sea world). Basically both started by accident. I noticed he could jump from the water so the next time I fed him I held a pellet between my fingers above the water until he jumped at it. After about three feedings he would jump almost every time I pinched a pellet between my fingers. After a week or so he knew the routine and would jump whenever I put my finger over his bowl without any coaxing. Sometimes he would jump three or four times in a row to try to get me to give him a treat. The swimming backwards thing I noticed he was able to do when I accidentally dropped a pellet too far behind him. He just swam backward and picked it up. After a while when I would walk over to his bown and hold my finger at the top of the water a little behind him he would come out a little bit and swim backwards with his mouth open, like flipper.

Man he was a great fish. :-( :-(
wow korki the dolphin/ now betta trick :p seems very cool. Personally my betta loves to do barrel rolls when I spin this little toy I know. It's so cool. He loooks a bit like an f-16 fighter jet. SIKKKKKKK

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