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  1. rikkitiger

    Well Well Well. Lets Remodel The Ten Gallon Now, Shall We?

    well well well, i got home from school and then dance today and what do i behold? my new little bud has wandered out of his hiding and is gliding round the tank! i am happy because be looks happy. he sure has a lot more space than he did at walmart at least.
  2. rikkitiger

    Well Well Well. Lets Remodel The Ten Gallon Now, Shall We?

    I dont yet even have a cell phone. :/ but my friend is coming over on friday and she has an ipod touch so ill try to make time to do pics then. So soaking food in garlic juice huh? Thats a bit of info i didnt know. ;) so what exactly should i be feeding him, other than tropical flake? Walmart...
  3. rikkitiger

    Well Well Well. Lets Remodel The Ten Gallon Now, Shall We?

    Alrighty! I just got done with the big water change and gravel change! As some of you may know, i have a new dwarf male gourami and i am soooo excited! He was kinda shocked for a bit to be in his new home, and a bit hacked at me that i didnt have a cave in there, but when i out the cave in, he...
  4. rikkitiger

    Well Well Well. Lets Remodel The Ten Gallon Now, Shall We?

    Went to walmart and got a stunning male dwarf gourami! I am wondering i have tropical flake in stock, and i have some freeze dried bloodworms but there are no live plants in the tank is this ok?
  5. rikkitiger

    [Pic]Opaline Gourami Mating

    Wow! Yu did a good job of raising them id love to see. Hw they look grown up a bit more.
  6. rikkitiger

    Well Well Well. Lets Remodel The Ten Gallon Now, Shall We?

    Thank you! So much helpful advice. My platys seem to be very happy to me, and i can see the different personalities in all three of them, though they do like to stick together sometimes. I made sure to preserve a piece of the filter media for today when i make the big water and hopefully fish...
  7. rikkitiger

    Well Well Well. Lets Remodel The Ten Gallon Now, Shall We?

    Hi! My name is *\rikkitiger/* well not really but my username. (Internet safety!) and this is kind of an update/help journal, to kind of get me introduced again to the magnificent world of fish. Now probably more of you senior members have encountered me before and i may have been rude or...
  8. rikkitiger

    Betta Cottage

    How goes it? Post some pics for the viewers?
  9. rikkitiger

    Planted Ten Gallon?

    Hi! I now own a new ten gallon aquarium that is clean and fresh and cycled and has a varitey of ornaments on it. I have a couple questions about how to start a planted tank. So i have right now gravel, cheap kind like brightly colored. What do i need, where can i get the stuff for, and would...
  10. rikkitiger

    Possible Platy Tank Mates?

    i have the platy in it, yes it is cycled it is not my first one
  11. rikkitiger

    Empty Freshwater Ten Gallon?

    Would tiger barbs work at all?
  12. rikkitiger

    Possible Platy Tank Mates?

    Good to platy like each other and school together
  13. rikkitiger

    Possible Platy Tank Mates?

    i definetly do NOT want a betta. i has one and the platies went for him nonstop the poor thing so i gave him back. i would like a bigger, flashier, showier fish.
  14. rikkitiger

    Empty Freshwater Ten Gallon?

    ok so i will definetly take fish suggestions and see if walmart has them. i did clean out my tank thouroughly before i cycled it again, fishless. so i do have a working heater for it, but i did research dwarf puffers because i saw them at walmart and it turns out that they do need live plants...
  15. rikkitiger

    Oh No! Sickness In Early Stages?

    im very sorry i forgot to post about this. i moved him to a five gallon jar affter i read your post and found him dead the nest morning. i am very sad. i dont really know what happened but i think it is healthier for me to let it go.
  16. rikkitiger

    My Betta Died, Why?

    yeah i dont understand it although i can definetly relate with you. what is the water temp i didnt have a heater for a bit but even with one it didnt help much. possibly an internal parasite? i dont know. im just wildly guessing
  17. rikkitiger

    Empty Freshwater Ten Gallon?

    loking for possible fish to put in it preferrably one big nice looking fish, not a school or anything, i definetly dont want to go saltwater, but does anybody know if puffer fish can live in freshwater?   anyways, i only have walmart to get fish, the ten gallon has a heater, it is not planted...
  18. rikkitiger

    Possible Platy Tank Mates?

    i have about a twenty gallon aquarium and have had it for a while now, maybe 3-5 weeks? not exactly sure, but the point is that it only has five platies in it and it looks REALLY lonely because it is heavily planted. do you know of any freshwater fish that you have seen at walmart, possibly one...
  19. rikkitiger

    My Betta Died, Why?

    did he turn a bit pale? i am also trying to find out what this is, this is EXACTLY what happened to my betta. i dont even know why the other fish and parameters and everything are fine.
  20. rikkitiger

    Oh No! Sickness In Early Stages?

    i got a new heater he is still getting paler and kind of just floating and letting himself get sucked by the filter.   i dont know what to do about this.  what could this be from? he ate this morning
  21. rikkitiger

    Oh No! Sickness In Early Stages?

    he is kinda turning a bit pale and the heater isnt working the temp is at 70
  22. rikkitiger

    Help With Cycling

    um thats the problem i live in the middle of nowhere and we have a post office, a walmart, a mc. donalds, and a hardware hank. no fish store
  23. rikkitiger

    Help With Cycling

    ill see if i can get it, thanks
  24. rikkitiger

    Obsessive Bubble Nesting?

    oh my goodness, my betta is sick, he stopped bubble nesting and he is not really active and he is kinda struggling and hiding in one cave all the time, this is the second day of this and yesterday the other fish were fine but today they are sluggish i think my heater isnt working because it says...
  25. rikkitiger

    Help With Cycling

    how do you know if your tank is cycled?   and do i need to get an ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite tester or can i get away  with just an ammonia tester
  26. rikkitiger

    Oh No! Sickness In Early Stages?

    ok so right now to answer your questions:   1. about 4 weeks with no problems 2. the whisperer from walmart with a charcoal bag inside 3. tank is at 80 right now 4. yes, aquasafe 5. no. it heats up in the aquarium within a short time 6.yes 7. a safe fake plant, and a sunken ship with a cave...
  27. rikkitiger

    Oh No! Sickness In Early Stages?

    i just did a 50% water change
  28. rikkitiger

    Obsessive Bubble Nesting?

    he stopped blowing it today and it vanished. i checked the parameters and they were not right so i did a complete water change and he is back at it!
  29. rikkitiger

    Oh No! Sickness In Early Stages?

    yes i realized that and lowered it immediatly, i dont have a water tester and it will be here in approximately6-8 days, i ordered one. with five mountain cloud minnows.
  30. rikkitiger

    Oh No! Sickness In Early Stages?

    my betta king george is in a ten gallon filtered aquarium with a submersile heater and a temp. right now of 90 degrees F. he is usually fine, very active and even yesterday he was doing this:   but today i come home from...
  31. rikkitiger

    Obsessive Bubble Nesting?

    yeah for a while it really freaked me out!
  32. rikkitiger

    3 Rookie Questions

    how do i know when it's cycled?   i have very sad news. my fish squishy is dead. i dont know what happened. i am looking up ammonia burns as i didn't change water in a couple days. i feel really bad if it wa my fault so i am not going to get another until i know what happened.   i am sorry sir i...
  33. rikkitiger

    3 Rookie Questions

    Thank you so much for the help!! I love the coconut cave idea and will ask my mom if she can pick one up as i really like coconut anyways!! In the meantime does anyone else have any diy decorations for the mason jar? I have another thing. I was inspecting by new crowntail swimmy and noticed...
  34. rikkitiger

    3 Rookie Questions

    I recently aqquired a BEAUTIFUL crowntail male betta. I am keeping him in a five gallon mason jar with a submersile heater and a new thermometer. Hs temp. Is 78-83 degrees F and stays that most of the time. He is eating and healthy and his fin rot from walmart cleared up so he is beautiful with...
  35. rikkitiger

    Castiel: My New Boy

    He's so pretty!
  36. rikkitiger

    Obsessive Bubble Nesting?

    Great!! I was so afraid i was doing something wrong but i am really glad it means he's happy! He had a bit of fin rot from walmart but it is healing up nicely too so i am really happy for him
  37. rikkitiger

    Obsessive Bubble Nesting?

    So my betta king george is in a ten gallon tank and it has a little less water because some evaporated and escaped, but on the tops and edges of the plastic plant in his tank he has been bubble nesting like CRAZY. Around every top, even on the edges of the tank. It went on for a couple days so i...
  38. rikkitiger

    Can Anyone Id This Piranha?

    they lok like red bellies to me too.
  39. rikkitiger

    Betta Sick!

    Oh nevermind! I just looked and my second heater that i have is hooked up now It is for two to ten gallon