Possible Platy Tank Mates?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 31, 2013
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i have about a twenty gallon aquarium and have had it for a while now, maybe 3-5 weeks? not exactly sure, but the point is that it only has five platies in it and it looks REALLY lonely because it is heavily planted. do you know of any freshwater fish that you have seen at walmart, possibly one of the bigger ones that would work in this tank with the platies?
i definetly do NOT want a betta. i has one and the platies went for him nonstop the poor thing so i gave him back. i would like a bigger, flashier, showier fish.
Good to know.my platy like each other and school together
Before you get more fish, has your filter finished cycling?
Because your tank is only a 20G, there aren't too many fish that will be suitable. Honey gourami or dwarf gourami would.
i have the platy in it, yes it is cycled it is not my first one

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