Oh No! Sickness In Early Stages?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 31, 2013
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my betta king george is in a ten gallon filtered aquarium with a submersile heater and a temp. right now of 90 degrees F. he is usually fine, very active and even yesterday he was doing this:
but today i come home from school and i cant find him anywhere so i lift up one of the caves and voila, there he is. he follows with the cave all the way up to the surface and then when i remove it wanders around looking lost. so i put it back in and watch him and he goes straight for it. once in a while he sticks his head out and then swims back in. he is usually all up and down, everywhere in the tank. and now he is hiding in the cave. a minute ago he went out of the cave, swam to the surface and just stayed there. breathing from the surface for a while, not doing anything. now its back to the cave.
he is really sluggish and his fins are very droopy.
is this some kind of disease?? i am worried, but the other fish in the tank seem PERFECTLY fine, swimming around and being where they usually are.
i am watching him now he just swam out of the cave and then around it, then around again and back in.  what is happening? i am so worried by other betta in a different tank died today and that is kind of what it did.
Water parameters?
Tank mates?
90 degrees is pretty high for most fish, especially bettas could you lower the temp?
yes i realized that and lowered it immediatly, i dont have a water tester and it will be here in approximately6-8 days, i ordered one.

with five mountain cloud minnows.
No idea whats happening sorry :/ Is there any marks on his skin?
Sorry to hear about your other Betta :rip:
I'm afraid that WCMM and Bettas aren't the best tankmates, the reason is that WCMM require cooler temperatures than Bettas and WCMM also need bigger tanks :/
I'd make sure you do daily water changes of 50% until you have a test kit in case there is something wrong with your water.
Hopefully someone like Wildbetta will spot this thread and may have some advice too. Good luck!
Can you advise of the following:
1. How long has the tank been set up?
2. What filtration do you use, including the media (stuff inside it)?
3. What temperature is the tank at now?
4. Do you condition the water before adding it after a water change, if so what conditioner are you using?
5. Do you bring the water to the same temperature as the aquarium before adding it after a water change?  
6. Have you read the Betta Care sheet?
7. What ornaments and plants are in the aquarium?
8. What do you feed your fish and how much?
9. Do you have any idea what your other Betta died from?  Is there any chance there has been any cross contamination?
I agree to keep doing water changes until you know what the parameters are, but a lot also depends on the above.  Sorry to ask so many questions but it helps us get a good picture.
Also, something to be aware of is that my understanding is that it is a different bacteria that thrives in cooler water vs warm water to break down the waste, therefore, with the addition of the heater at such a high temperature it may have caused a mini-spike within the tank i.e. Ammonia spike.
If you have any pictures of the tank, they can also be helpful, as we may see something within the environment.
I note in your other post you used to destroy his bubble nests, I would be tempted to leave them if you can, so he does not get depressed.
Good Luck, hopefully with more info, ala the questions we can assist you further.
ok so right now to answer your questions:
1. about 4 weeks with no problems
2. the whisperer from walmart with a charcoal bag inside
3. tank is at 80 right now
4. yes, aquasafe
5. no. it heats up in the aquarium within a short time
7. a safe fake plant, and a sunken ship with a cave along with 2 more caves\
8i feed them tropical flake a pinch a night with betta pellets for him every 3 night
he is kinda turning a bit pale and the heater isnt working the temp is at 70
i got a new heater he is still getting paler and kind of just floating and letting himself get sucked by the filter.
i dont know what to do about this.  what could this be from? he ate this morning
He's sick and need to be removed to a hospital tank of around 5 litres of fresh, dechlorinated water, at a temperature of around 26-28 degrees C. Bring the temperature up slowly to avoid stressing him further. Without care he will probably die. He's being sucked to the filter because he is too weak to swim away from it, a sign of illness.
Without knowing what your water parameters are, it's difficult to say if it's ammonia or nitrite poisoning. It may also be ich or fungus. Clean water will help resolve the first, and close monitoring for any visible signs of ich or fungus will allow you to treat him immediately as soon as you can identify the problem. Don't use Bettafix or a product with oil in it as ironically the oil can play havoc with the betta's labyrinth organ and finish the job.
If you can take a photo that would be ideal :)
im very sorry i forgot to post about this. i moved him to a five gallon jar affter i read your post and found him dead the nest morning. i am very sad. i dont really know what happened but i think it is healthier for me to let it go.

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