Seen Betta Tanks Advertised

Random, I always enjoy your posts. They're very well thought out and,most importantly, open-minded to the ways of others.
What some in this thread should realize is that it takes all kinds to make the world go around and we're not all the same (John!). There's no reason to argue your opinion into the ground. It basically sounds like this "I see my things my way, you see them yours, but I'm going to continue to stress my point until you see things my way"....please,now.

I think that people who claim that bettas don't survive large tanks have had too much current in their tanks.
I think that's part of it. With long finned bettas I honestly believe the water pressure is just too much to handle. A plakat is a different story. They whip around like nobody's business :rolleyes: I also understand that in Finland you have laws to protect fish, and if I'm correct, it's a ten gallon rule there?
I also understand that in Finland you have laws to protect fish, and if I'm correct, it's a ten gallon rule there?

i have heard that also. are smaller tanks simply not sold at all? i'm curious as to how that law is enforced
Hi guys
Well i havnt decided on a tank for definate but have two in mind.I already have a tank at home that I believe will be suitable
It holds about 6-7 gallons.Just trying to find a suitable heater for it im looking at a 50watt coz this tank is 17inch L- 10inch W - 10inch h.
here it is.this is the best picture i could find.I can even divide this later for another betta! :hyper:

Also iv found a good bowl on ebay.Its round but holds about 2.5 gallons and comes with and air pump and stone and its only at 50p due to finish in two days so il get this awell

Thanks everyone for your help, I Apologise for any troble my questions has caused

I Apologise for any troble my questions has caused
Don't be. It's one of those subjects that always spark debate. Although you weren't even looking for a debate :lol: :rolleyes:
I like your tanks, you'll need a cover for the top one.
My axolotl Earl lived in it before i bought him abetter tank.Knew it would come in handy again someday.
Even betta with a divider its actually big enough for two bettas
but we will see how things go with my first
This is him.Hes on hold till payday so i can get his tank sorted

:drool: :drool:
He's very nice! :D good find :) good luck setting up the tank, and I'm not sure if you're familiar with bettas, but plastic plants tend to hurt their sensative fins, silk or real are best if you wish to put some resting spots in for him :) good luck!
He's very nice! :D good find :) good luck setting up the tank, and I'm not sure if you're familiar with bettas, but plastic plants tend to hurt their sensative fins, silk or real are best if you wish to put some resting spots in for him :) good luck!

Thanks for the advice.I was thinking on plastic plants until i read somewhere exactly what you have said and im now looking for some nice silk ones on ebay
I'm sorry Bristlenose, but since people have interest on finnish codes I have ROUGHLY translated a bit of the recommendations conserning aquariums:

fish are not allowed to keep in round bowls
The aquarium should contain at least 1 liter water per 5cm fish and 4 liters of water per 10cm fish.
The whole aquarium should contain at least 40 liters (10g).
The person who sells or gives any fish should give proper constructions how the animal should be taken care of(feeding, care taking, the tank, natural behavior details,age, what full size it will reach,lifetime and other info that relates to the animals wellbeing).

The tank should be covered if it is necessary
one tank wall should covered, if there is no other hiding places for the fish.
water rates should be kept optimal and the water should be changed when it is necessary.(water parameters depending what species the tank contains).
Substrate should be suitable for aquarium purposes
Schooling fish should be kept in schools
Different fish species should be combatible with each other.
a dead fish should be removed immediately

So there it is, though this means only permanent housing. Breeding or hospital tanks are a different matter.
i received this unwanted and unsolicited email from John Nicholson:

Hey, me too! Mine said
I will not participate in anymore of these BS threads any longer. I may
be wrong but I view you as an idiot and will no longer waste my time with

Have a great life in your illogical fantasy world.


Yey, I get to be an idiot! I bet your jealous :p

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