George's Journal

The hairgrass is the same - Eleocharis acicularis. I keep the established stuff well trimmed to keep growth dense and compact. I must say I'm excited about a big lawn of it running the length of the tank.

I was hard to rip all those plants out - lots of hard work and nurturing there. The bigger picture prevailed though. I was spending too much time maintaining - over 4 hours a week and with a new baby "spare" time is somewhat limited. Th enew layout will be minimal maintenance. I go to the Falklands for 4 months next year so it needs to be easy to look after for my wife. It also gave me the opportunity to experiment with a more "nature" style aquascape. I know it looks crap presently but I have high hopes. You'll see in a few months.

Fish - 28 Cardinal Tetras, Pair of Gold Rams, 2 SAE, 5 Oto, 4 Amano Shrimp, 2 Cory julii and 2 Botia striata. The photos are taken just after re-arranging hence the hiding of fish.

I wish you luck with your set-up. Exciting times!
gf225 said:
Lateral Line said:
<fx>Chuckles as he has a mental image of Dubby slapping his forehead!</fx>
:lol: No, my tank is overgrown as it is!!! I was thinking of suggesting using some of those plants to build the sloping effect.
Latest – As you can see my Brazilian Water Ivy is filling out nicely. I love this plant as it is fast growing yet easy to maintain. You can just trim of the ugly parts of the plant and discard – there’s no re-planting like with stem plants. Eventually it will become a big bush, dominating the right hand side (and hiding my Juwel internal filter). I will let it grow across the surface a little providing the fish with added security.

The Vallis is becoming established – I’ve counted 5 runners already today.

The hairgrass is doing ok and is growing in its pots. I’ve moved one of the pots over to the right as my tank receives some natural daylight from that side. I will be getting 5 more pots next week – can’t wait to plant them all properly.

My Lily is looking a bit sorry for itself. I’m hoping it will grow into a nice red focal point once again. If not I may replace it with another lily. I’m considering placing a piece of bogwood behind it – maybe with Java moss attached. Not too sure on positioning yet, some experimenting to do.

Finally the white “spots” you can see in the surface are oxygen bubbles – since removing all those stem plants the remainder have gone pearling mad! Not a trace of algae yet (touch wood!!)


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Starting to take shape nicely! That hairgrass looks soo good though. :wub:

Keep us updated.
Added some more bogwood. The small piece on the left will keep the hairgrass and vallis seperate. The large piece behind the Lily I may cover with Java moss - not too sure in its final position yet.

The lily appears to have stopped growing. I may replace with another "focal point" specimen plant - something a bit special, any ideas? It needs to be low maintenance i.e. not a stem plant (but it can be demanding - I have good light, CO2 etc.) I'm thinking maybe a treasured variety of Echinodorus i.e ozelot, something which doesn't get too big, maybe even a Crypt. Or maybe a new Lily. I did consider the infamous Eusteralis stellata - high maintenance though. Any suggestions would be welcome.


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Hi gf225, go with the E.Ozelot, amazing markings on leaves. very fast growing. Got one in my tank its a beautiful plant. Did you go for the Tropica brand when buying the Hairgrass......
Hi BigC – Good to hear from you again. I do like the E. Ozelot idea, my only concern that if it’s fast growing, how compact does it stay? It must not shade the hairgrass and constantly need pruning. I’m away from home for 4 months next year (Falklands) and my wife needs minimal maintenance. What are your thoughts on Barclaya longifolia?

The hairgrass is Tropica. Did you read the post on the dead fish that arrived with one of my pots?
Hi gf225, E. Ozelot grows very fast and spreads very wide, so I guess that rules that one out. As for Barclaya Longifolia, sounds a much better choice. I kept Barclaya years ago and if I remember correctly it's a tuber plant much like the Aponogeton's, It needed a resting period during the year which involved removing the plant from the tank, placing it in a poly fish bag and storing it in a dark warm airing cupboard for a couple of months.... I'll head of and read the other post you mentioned, sounds interesting.
gf225 said:
I forgot to mention. When my hairgrass arrived - next day delivery, good condition, very impressed, I was a little surprised to find a dead juvenile Angelfish in one of the pots. I washed the plants thoroughly and planted anyway. After some thought I wasn't too happy with this so I complained - a rare event for me (typical Englishman). I received a phone call from the manager who couldn't have been more apologetic. He offered me a full refund or 5 new pots (I only ordered 4). Needless to say I'm getting 5 new pots. Happy with that! The grass will be filled in no time.
Save you searching BigC
In a 6x2x2 I found Barclaya longifolia rampant. Very attractive, but hard to manage.
Lateral Line said:
In a 6x2x2 I found Barclaya longifolia rampant. Very attractive, but hard to manage.
I'll give it a miss then I think. Any other ideas Lateral Line? Something eye-catching, compact and low-maintenance. The Lily is looking favourite I feel.
You could try clumps of crypts intermixed with hair grass to fill out the mid ground/foreground.
A cryptocoryne Wendii (Sorry about the bad spelling) would look good where the lily is. I've gone against my word and aquascaped my tank too. I was thinking about using glosso for a lawn; but I may do something unconventional and make a 4" deep lawn of water sprite. I also added some corkscrew val; it may outgrow my 10 gallon tank, but it seems to stay shorter than giant val.

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