The Amazing Adventures of Jamnog

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I reckon setting up the tank is the best bit cos you've got buying loads of fish to look forward to do. Then once is all done, you have any more excuses for going to the fish shop daily. Worst bit is you have to slow or stop buying fish :(
i have just stopped going to the fish shop cause i recon ive run low on gonna leave it for a few weeks wich is good because it means i can use this time to research the fish im going to get. i figured id put the tank together and try and get fish to suit the tank and each other but its allot harder making the choises than i thaught. that shark was a major setback i was keen on that being the centre point of my tank now i will have to think of another fish that would look as good as him. one day i might have to get a tank the size of a street and nab myself a bunch of those little beutys to swim in a pack.

edit : went to the fish shop today and got three cribs and two female firemouth cichlids really wanted to know about offloading that shark but they said they wouldnt take it just being called an irridesant shark that i had to get the latin name that i have seen panglos something i will get it again but i dont normally remeber them off hand. i described it to the fish guy but im not shure it helped. anyways will go back on sat hopefully.
here is the most recent pic of the tank to datei have added some relation to parots feather to the right to mask the filter intake and added a hiding plcae deep in there. also added allot more sand and some cichlids and some small cribs they look stunning under the right lights i wish i had a proper camera but i keep spending my money on thease fish.


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that is coming along very nicely jam. next friday I go pay for my 4 footer (55 us gallon) with stand. I will have to wait about a month to buy the matching topper though...
the lid cost me 55 and the tank cost me 40 i should have made my own tank im thinking about it now making a bigger one and using the stuff form this one its not as deep as it should be thus its only something like 40 gal us
the lfs sold the one I wanted. stand, tank, flohood, and topper for $229 USD. :( but I found another and it is a nicer tank with thicker glass. I get tank stand flo hood for $300 USD. no topper to match the stand but I can get that for $150 USD later. I would make the stand and topper myself but own no power tools , so the tools would cost me more that buyinf it from a lsf. I cant win for losing...B)
Is it just me or are tanks just way overpriced lol...just paid about $500. US for my 4 foot 55gal. tank,cheap heater,hood, lights, stand & topper (4 weeks ago) The problem I have is the only places I can buy from is petsmart & petco but get this ..they had a few tanks set up as a "package deal" you got like several decorations (all ugly lol) a bottle of water conditioner & a few other odds & ends..they wanted $900. for them... The extra's cost poor first time tank buyer's alot!..I got the same set up with the same oak stand & topper as these package deals...Big buyer beware huh?
Nice Looking tank Jam, enjoy watching you set it up :D
Good Luck getting your tank Tanked :thumbs:
heh can you borrow tools off someone else? good luck with it anyway
i know the feeling about overpriced stuff tanks extras seem to cost way more than they look like they are worth. im going to be posting some more stuff on the weekend im gonna try and get some proper pictures then also. cant wait
Go to wal-mart! They have a good 55 gallon for $150 and it has hood, filter, light, and heater! Its actually well made too. -_-
i wouls buy that infact i wouls have baught that but im thinkng the nearest wall mart is over a thousand miles away... guess whats in this tank

edit : well its a blue crayand its hiding under the log. meanwhile i have gone off with the intensions of buying a fancy dancing camera to take snaps of all thease fish and doh! the lfs was on the way out there and i havent baught a cichlid in over a week. i slipped and baught allot. im going to have to work out how stocked the tank is soon and buy another or make one ... ut oh mts? i will try to post some more pics in a minuet
double edit ive baught a new camera and will try to upload a pic ive just taken as an experiment do not adjust your set tho i dont think anyone will be here to see me mess this up... i hope


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here is a rather blurry pic of the cray (he is in with three apple snails)

edit im hopefully changeing all the pics for better ones but i am not so shure about this new camera being any good at all.


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here is the best pic i could get of most of the firemouths

double edit there are two here that arent as the others (as they say in sesamie street) tow of thease fish are not quite the same can anyone tell me if they are jewl cichlids or pearl cichlids or if they are something else completely?


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and finally i rather blurry pic of some of the cribs still a little on the small side as you can see up against those neons. rather worrying considering the rather menacing shoul of firemouths just out of shot. they have plenty of good hiding places till they get big enough. sorry to bore you all with my terrible blurry mess i promise i will get a nice camera one day.


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they didnt before but they certainly do now i think i got the ballance of sizes and sexes just right for a change but i had to buy allot of firemouths to get it right. i think ive got three types i would have to ask cm or cf about that the common ones used to fight but now they all just swim round like they are out shopping or something. the cribs tend to stick it out in one end of the tank there seems to be no ill feeling between them and the firemouths im shure the new perls have had a calming effect on the firemouths. i should not speek too soon tho hmmm i think i got a pair well they set me back 25 (i think thats a pony) was worth it.

edit : i think ive lost count i thaught i had 9 but i just counted 8 hmm lost one or possibly didnt buy as many as i thaught. ive had a thaught of taking lots of close ups of the tank and adding them together...

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