What is wrong w/my new angel?

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Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Miserable Wells, Texas
I just got him today, and I took forever picking out just the right 2.....their fins were pretty beat up, but I figured it was the way they were kept at the hatchery...LFS just got these in yesterday....
anyway, I didn't notice that on one side he is missing the scale thingy(?)
that covers his gill.....it is exposed on one side, I can't believe I didn't see this at the shop.......well they were on the top rack and I was on my toes trying to see them....anyway,
will he grow it back?
do I need to medicate?
is it an injury or disease?
here is a pic.....


  • 1.JPG
    38.2 KB · Views: 60
Hi Mama

Sorry to say, but there is nothing that can be done to improve the gill cover. It is a result of poor quality stock being used for breeding. It is genetic. The fish will be quite happy. I wouldent say the fins are too bad.

Dolphin :teacher:
That figures,
a lot of the angelfish they got in had funny shapes to them.....I am going to quit using them, I should know better by now! I am going to try to find a new home for him.

I have said this before, but I am just going to save my money, and order exactly what I want online.....

Thanks much Dolphin.

How long have you been doing this? Breeding fish?

Do you mind giving me your opinion on the other veiltail I got yesterday, he/she is about silver dollar size, I purchased it to breed.
so I don't want to breed it if it isn't good enough!
pic will be on next post
Hi Mama

This one looks much better. The fin damage will heal soon. I am not a great fan of the double veil fin, as they tend to look in poor condition, even when they are in top condition, and have problems swimming. I prefer the single veil fined verities. If you have a standard fined fish, and can get them to pair, these would produce 100% single veil fish.
I have been breeding angel fish for 14 years. I started with live bearers. Moved on to neon’s and dwarf gourami’s. I then paid a visit to my LFS (which I still use), where he breed angels in the shop. From then on I was hooked. My 2ft tank turned into a 3ft, and then onto another 9 tanks on a home made rack in my front room. From here on angel production started. I read all I could about the colour genetics of angels, and then set about producing the colours that I wanted. I did not have too much successes at this stage in producing to many colour varieties, nerve mind the fabled purple angel that I wanted.

After 7 years I tried to breed discus, but after 3 years only managed one unsuccessful spawn. I then had to move house, (to a rented house) and this put a stop to all the breeding. 3 years ago I bought my current house, but for 2 years only had a 90l tank.
Last summer me and my wife were visiting a garden center, with an aquatics centre attached, and saw a 88 UK gall tank and cabinet that we fell in love with. This was purchased, cycled with 4 2” angels golden marled which soon paired up (two pairs). I then with the wife’s permission converted the garage (junk storage area) into a 1000 UK gall centralized system. 4 pairs of discus were then purchased, and have been breeding ever since, but I have struggled to raise the fry to a sellable size ( I have now found out what I have been doing wrong and the current batch of fry, now three days old (free-swimming) should be fine, fingers crossed). I have slowly been purchasing different coloured angels, and finally have the breeding pairs I need to produce all of the current colour varieties Norton has identified. I currently breed about 1000 fry a week, after culling this is reduced to about 200 to raise to selling age. Some I keep to try and produce new colours. The main colour I am working on at the moment is a “Blue Koi”. This is a standard koi, with the golden cap removed, and a more blue hue to the white body, but still with the light marbling. I have nearly fixed the colouring, and will release it to the market in about six months to a year.

Enough for now as I have to up at six in the morning for work…..

Dolphin :teacher:
That is so awsome.
I had a 75 gal years ago, and had 2 pairs of angels...raised a few babies, but I had to get rid of it, didn't have time to take care of it...(still kicking myself....sold the entire thing for 200.00, it was a beautiful setup with all the fish....2 weeks later the guy changed ALL the water and didn't add declorinator and killed all my fish :-( :crazy: :hyper: :-( :crazy: :hyper: :angry: :angry:
I really enjoy my fish, and it is just a hobby , hubby got me a 55 gal for valentines day....I didn't really have a hobby that I enjoyed that much....except balloons, but that gets pretty stressful because I have deadlines, and customers, and the pressure....no not the helium!!!lol :lol:
And I have to get daycare for the kids when I have a job...and fish, well they are here all the time for the whole family to enjoy and I am teaching my kids about them, we did have one mishap with a 10 gal and a can of flakes...and a can of fry bites....and no fish died!!
The kids almost did :hyper: ......J/K :lol:
They knew the fishys were hungry!...
Now I treat the food just like medications....out of reach....way out of reach!!

Thanks for all your help Dolphin.....I hope to learn more from you!

Oh yea....I plan to put a standard tail female golden pearlscale, and a standard tail DD with red eyes in with my marble super veil....not sure what the DD is, but hopefully I will get a pair......100% veil tail would be great!

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