Pond estimate

Cat said:
Just looked at your pump paul,look at this pond of there..


I'd love that right near the house :thumbs:
Best get digging then...
My pump??? we have a Oase Aquamax 3500!! or 2500.

Liking that pond although I prefer raised as you don't have to squat down then!!
i think I have a solution!!

before the fact that i was going to need a vortex filter to have a bottom drain was the main put off as the extra expensse.

But i picked up a hoselock boolet and they do a black box filter that can be gravity fed and burried so I reakon I'll get that then I can plub a BD into it.

Ok i'ved read over the info again to this filter and it's confusing me know.

It's calle dhte Gravity green machine which suggests it's gravity fed yet it says there's a pump in the filter chamber :S

darn u can't read it oh well....

1. Pump inside filter chamber sucks in water.

2. Brushes trap larger solids.

3. Semi-clensed water filtered again by foam cartridges full of beneficial bacteria and bio media.

4. Solids free water passes through the pump. This means that solids are not shredded by pump impeller and settle out more easily.

it suggests there's 2 pumps in there to me...


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"Cyprio Gravity and Green Machine
Green Machines for 9000 litre ponds and larger ponds and all Pro-Filters are alternatively available in gravity versions. The pump is located in the filter box. The filter is in the ground next to the pond. The filter is full of water at the same level as the pond. Water is pumped from the filter into the pond and this constantly sucks more water from the pond under gravity.
The advantage of this method is that there is no shredding of solids by the pump impeller before water enters the filter. So it offers better settlement of solids in the filter. Secondly, the large filter boxes can be buried right up to the lid and hidden. "

i think ive sussed it from this write up the filter is below the water level so once primed the flow would be constant the only problem i can see with this is if you get a blocked inlet

personaly i prefer the pump fed system and its cheaper :kana:
Ah ha, what a find, cheers.

Hmmm thing your right on the price thing, I could find a proper vortex for that price, oh well guess thats that ruled out.

I'd prefer a pump fed but people have swayed me towards a bottom drain now so I would need a gravity fed system.
if id had themoney paul i think i would have opted for bottom drains as your gonna get 100% of the water drawn through the filter give or take ,id say mine is doing 90%via the pump ,but looking at the greenmachine its gonna be taking water from the surface or just below depending how deep you get it so the heavy solids are gonna remain in the pond :crazy:
Yeah, I do want a bottom drain now as people on koi chat have talke me into it!!

so i might save some for it soon but at the moment I want to spend spend spend spend, bought my 3rd tank today!!
I resisted from buying fishing stuff on holiday this year, I have a good rod new style real and plenty of tackle so I'm sorted, was tempting to get another real for my older argos special rod!!

I jus paid a tenner for my tankabut already have about 80 quid planned on it, I'm going to go for nassities at the moment, so I have 50 for a 4/5ft if one turns up:)

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