Pond estimate

Ah ha....I's have to get all the fianl details done if I was aloud to build one but I aint very hopeful at the moment and have alot of my dosh already planned on fixing up my PC and getting a external filter for my tank and mayb a co2 kit.
Hijacking your thread paul ;)

Me late at night ...
Corydoras aeneus reaches about 3", buy some more if possible.
I want some cories, i'm abut to buy a nice big filter system for my tank then another different substrate then set up a co2 sytem then plant it when the plants arrive then buy fish :crazy: :thumbs: :fun: :S :hyper:
4ft paul and theres a koi in it which will go in the pond :thumbs:
Righty I need some building facts here.

I was asking dad for some figures and measurements et and he said for that size pond to be raised 2ft and dug down 2ft there will need to be a massive solid platform to hold all the weight of it.

The plan will be to have the 10x8 retangle pond with like a 2ft stream which adds say 3ft to one end which I suppose mum could put a few selective flowers in :/ with the filter close by, I think I understand that the Bioforce filters are burried with only the lid showing which would be good for how I'd like it.

So what regulations are there to follow?

I think i'd like big blocks i.e. breeze blocks or similiar, it would then be rendered to have a smooth inside with no corners then underlay and then the liner it's self.
2ft up and 2ft down will be fine paul it doesnt require a lot of foundation 1" for every foot so a 4" solid layer of concrete will surfice ,dig down 4ft 4" and place a 4" thick layer of concrete about 8-12 " wide in the bottom allow this to set after making sure its as level as possible,if you go for concrete blocks go for the hollow ones ,these can then be reinforced with steel bars hammmerd in and concreted in place then capped off to hide the holes,once youve got everything in place and built your ready to render the inside ,this adds strength and does away with any rough spots allow a sump in hte bottom for your biofilter which can be placed in and coverd over with gravel after the liner is fitted,if you need any more info just ask happy building ;)

oh as a side note id like to see at least one thread remain serious if possible :angry:

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