Pond estimate

wow only £80 :blink: if only ours would cost that, I'd have enough to pay for it all as soon as I shift my RC kit (about £300 worth!) to confirm you did pcik up your bricks free?
ok to confirm its a hozelock ecopower 2200ltr

the bricks are broken paving flags,my boss picked them up for me
they were surplus to requirements lol

i work for a landscapeing/property maintainence firm and a lot of people just want paving gone or replaced with new stuff ,so any old or broken flags are up for grabs ,we normaly clean them up and sell them on but i scored for about 100 all from the same job + a lot of broken ones from a friend

my small pond cost me £0:00 it has a fibreglass inlay and is made up of 4x4 batons topped off with railway sleepers ,i already had a small hozelock pump
i think if you look at the first pic you can see it in the background
Nice our ponds where all ready here when we moved in all with the water fall there, My dad just built a 2nd wall aorund the top pond for insulation, and mum put plants in there :sick: put DIY fibre glass in the water fall ad we replaced the bottom pond to a fribre glass preformed as the old concrete one was leaking alot.

Thats kinda of lucky, although my mum works at a paving firm (best in the area :p ) so maybe we could get some old slabs :D as I really like your look, nice and rustic :thumbs:

Righty back down to business I pondering on a bottom drain now and koi chat aren't too helpful on suggestion filters and pumps for it so I though you lot/ryan could step in here :D

thankyou please
They can be complicated to put in place and cost more money, and when a problem occurs with them it is near impossible to fix. However, if you choose to go this way they are very very effective, it really comes down to the money you have, the stocking levels of your pond and what fish it will be stocked with....... Now that you have increased your stock and got some nice fish in your ponds you will need a good filtration system to cope with the fishes waste as they grow. I know you have limited funds (so familar :X ) but I would advise you to pay out for the best filters to cope with the Koi as they grow as you are now going to be a serious koi keeper. Personally I am going to recommend the Cloverleaf range, the Cloverleaf Professionals and Cloverleaf Genesis. These are fantastic filters for Koi ponds, the first chamber on each of the filters is a Vortex Chamber this will spin of waste etc to the bottom of the cone where it is lost as waste, the other following on chambers provide good biological filtration for your pond. I can't remember the model which will suit your ponds but I am sure with quick search you can find it, be warned though they will be more expensive. :( However, there are plenty of good filters on the market so its best to look around locally and find the best deal. :thumbs: Once you get the filters then media comes into the question.......
I think I'd go for a genesis 3500 or 4500 as it won't be a dedicated koi pond - http://www.boddingtonkoi.co.uk/acatalog/Cloverleaf.html

Yer I realise just by adding a bottom you have to have a totally different type filtration :rolleyes: at double the price....

What kind of pumps would these use? as there gravity fed right...

I'm not sure if I will bother with a bottom drain still as once i do move house and get my bigger better pond built the pond here would probable be turned into a goldfish pond to be easier to look after or made into a flower bed :/
If you did install a bottom drain insure that the pond slopes towards them and the pond edges are rounded to ensure a good flow. The bottom drain works using gravity, if the water is given a chance to escape it will do so and try to fill following containers (filters) to the same level, if you then remove/pump water from the last filter chamber gravity will fill it up with more water from the pond via the drain and so the cycle continues.....
So would I just need a fairly small pump to do the job?

I think I'll end up doing what bribones did, camber the pond to the point that the pump sits, and the titan pumps suck from the bottom so it's even better!!

oh also where would a UV unit come into it on these sytems, don't really want to have to buy one separately for that size pond :blink:

Oh yer could you take a look at my "Am I ready" topic in the tropical chit chat :) I'm getting mixed replies...I think.
paul if you get the hole in the bottom fairly square and level you can drop the pump down into the hole and put a plastic grate over the top and cover with gravel,hey presto bottom filter(all be it a cheap version) :rofl:
Hmmmm, I'm really not sure at the moment, I'd prefer to go for a nice simple box filter but I wouldn't mind having a bottom drain in there, it's just the expense really,

I could do that plan, i 'm wanna have to do some serious thinking, and work out the full cost of having a bottom drain.
The link for the filter isn't working? I would advise you against a box filter for the larger fish, it will need alot of cleaning and therefore won't work as efficently, IMO you should really get some vortex chambers or at least something along the line of the Cloverleafs....

Hows the tank today, readings? :)
Opps didn't put a space in, should be fine now but here's a pciture of the Oasis vor-tec one-


Maybe I'll find a cloverleaf of similiar up for grabs locally when the time comes.

Tanks are good, my 10g crab tank is ready for stock with no ammonia or nitrites and 5-10mg/L of Nitrates. and my 25g has only 0.1mg/L of nitrites now so it's on the decrease, or took a bad reading yesterday!!

I think I'll have a look on ebay and at prices of the type of filter I need 2nd hand and see how that diets my wallet!!

Any thought on using concrete then painting with G4 to set the bottom drain in more easily than using a liner aswell?

I just don't know how much of the G4 paint I would need as in the mag I saw it in they have it priced up per kg.
Using a liner with bottom drains does make it alot harder. I have a catalogue from that website somewhere in the house I'll see if I can find it as I know there were some nice filters in there etc. :)
Just looked at your pump paul,look at this pond of there..


I'd love that right near the house :thumbs:

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