My Managerie of Tanks

October FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Plus, barbs have barbels that help them "smell out" food they can't see. Blind cave fish can find food too.

Stupid Pet Tricks was on the old David Letterman late night US show, but I've seen others online. Mostly mammals, sometimes birds but some fish too. Soccer/football playing goldfish, etc.
I need to trim up some of the plants in this tank, I've not been bothered to yet. Honestly needs a good tidy up lol


And been setting up a spawning tank for some glowlight tetras. Been working on getting a good low pH. It's basically straight distilled water with coconut fiber to bring down the pH naturally. See if I can get a good hatch rate with a lower pH than I would with my tap.
It'll be a few weeks still before it's ready. Want some industrial building up in it as well as the spider plant to put out some good roots for a spawning mop.


@fishorama yeah I don't think we had that in my area. We did have America's funniest home videos though, that's about as close as I'd guess it'd have been?
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You always have interesting projects going on, Cass.

I think removing a good handful of those (elodea?) floating plants & you'd be good to go for a long while. Snip & pull out any extras. Other than those floaty tangly stems, I love your tank!

Who am I to say? My tanks need even more help than yours do, so take it with my usual bossiness & a grain of salt. Do as I say, not as I do! My next project is removing all stem plants from my 110g big girl plant tank.
You always have interesting projects going on, Cass.

I think removing a good handful of those (elodea?) floating plants & you'd be good to go for a long while. Snip & pull out any extras. Other than those floaty tangly stems, I love your tank!

Who am I to say? My tanks need even more help than yours do, so take it with my usual bossiness & a grain of salt. Do as I say, not as I do! My next project is removing all stem plants from my 110g big girl plant tank

Actually the egeria densa stems up top are part of what need some taming! And some floating plants removed, it's so shady and dark lol

I plan to move some of the egeria to another tank, heck even try some with the goldfish since I've got so much of it. Who knows, maybe they won't eat it, or they will and no loss lol I'm sure my kids endlers would enjoy some as well.

It's almost 4 feet long, it's starting to wrap around the back lol
That makes me think of my last close plant meet months ago. I took pity on the leftover stem plants & brought several rotala stems home. I didn't plant them, just threw them in after a tap rinse. They are close to 4 ft long now, with a bit of dead stuff in the middle. Next tank (no fish) maintenance & they'll be weeded out.

It's always something...
It'll be a little bit before I get to it. I've got the little spawning tank setup and it's sitting on the acrylic lid of that tank, so outside of an emergency, I'm not lifting the lid off anytime soon lol
I've also come down with some sort of cold or flu, so I don't have the energy at the moment for much. Turn lights on and off, feed the fish, that's about all that's gonna get done while I feel like poop.

Some Spicy Leaf photos at least.

My emersed pennywort in my goldfish filters is flowering though

But mostly I'm not leaving bed and I'm getting plenty of Moka cuddles.
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I love your tanks so much, they look way better than my tank lol. I wish my phone wasn't stupid and allowed me to take proper close ups without blurring out :( Makes my shrimps looke like red splats.

The long fin thing is soo awesome! He bamboozled you basically 😂
I love the common plec! Closest to a pleco I can get for my tank, are otos. I'm not sure if I should risk getting more for my solo guy to make him feel better. Just scared of them dying, but my tank should be mature enough. Plus I have Bacter AE (for shrimplets).

Got on video how my Reed tetras (hyphessobrycon elachys) react when I open the lid to their tank. They even get some of the forestii out lol
That might be the shortest video ever, lol! But cute!

I hope you feel better soon, I bet Moka cuddles are part of the cure. That female apisto needs fattening up (or "conditioning" as we say from another thread).
That might be the shortest video ever, lol! But cute!

I hope you feel better soon, I bet Moka cuddles are part of the cure. That female apisto needs fattening up (or "conditioning" as we say from another thread).
She's a moody one, sometimes she goes very bright yellow and then others has the stripes and she changes in seconds. Rejects the male all the time lol

These photos are from today at feeding time.

And a pic of the male in ambient room light when the tank lights weren't on yet this afternoon.

As for the illness, probably just a cold or flu. Tested negative for covid at least. Feeling better than I did yesterday, yesterday was awful.
Your rasboras look great! Much better than mine. I'm thinking it's your lighting & camera skills.

& of course I love your loach pics! Are all your pangios in the same tank? I forget...
Your rasboras look great! Much better than mine. I'm thinking it's your lighting & camera skills.

& of course I love your loach pics! Are all your pangios in the same tank? I forget...
Give yours some time, mine have come a long way since getting them, when I look back at older photos. How are they doing by the way??

Yeah all my pangio are in the same tank. I don't know how many I have lol definitely more than 20 though. The doriae spawned at one point and I don't know how many lived. Saw one young one with my adults and no clue if there were more where I couldn't see them lol

Above water view of the sarawaks

And my moss is escaping this tank lol it's growing over the lid now


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