The fish have settled in really well and are eating well, and the snails are going everywhere. We're currently considering other species to add and we've settled for this list:
next batch: Cories and Shrimp(probably neocaridina)
After: more tetras, 2-3 farlowella, maybe dwarf cichlids
We also just got a bunch more plants and have planted them accordingly. Due to the tannins released by the leaves and new wood we've removed the lid temporarily to allow for more light to enter, but we're thinking of replacing it as it's really old and it's not always very reliable. I'm also considering trying to dose CO2 in this tank. Does anybody have tips for me to start out and if it's viable?
Thanks for the help.
Edit: We've also looked at the kerri tetra and realized that they are most likely not kerri tetra but instead emperor tetra, which works out anyway so it's just an interesting note.