Sorry for the long absence. Had so much stuff to do IRL, but the tank still goes on and goes on GOOD. So summary:
- deep substrate JBL + root tabs all capped with JBL Manado Sansibar Black
- CO2 system
- Tropica fertilizer every 2 days
- 5 Otos
- 2 Panda Cory
- 3 Longfin Panda Cory
- 10 neon tetras (they were 11 but one died)
- 7 glowlight tetras (not glo-tetras, i had 8 but one jumped behind the tank and died). i might get 3 more
- 1 very shy female Pearl Gourami
I'm waiting for an aponogeton, a red tiger lotus and a bolbitis to add them to the tank. I have 2 peace lillies to help clean the top of the water as, due to the flow, i can't grow floating plants
I don't do water changes, I only add water weekly to compensate the evaporation