Fish rescue rainbow shark

I really appreciate the explanations and patient help from you guys! Thank you :)
I was always strong in biology, but have to admit that chemistry has never come naturally to me. I have to work much harder to try to wrap my brain around it, and admit that even after slowly reading through your posts, @Naughts and @Byron , that I know I'm still going to get confused about how the pH, ammonium, KH etc interact!

I do think I understand though, at least for now, why the old tank syndrome isn't dangerous because of the high nitrAtes and reducing them to fast; it's the other knock on effects because of the drifted water parameters, ammonium converting to ammonia that risks killing the fish in a big water change with OTS. But not a problem here because my tanks don't have OTS, and they'll be in just clean fresh water. :) That's the important part I didn't get before and why I was afraid to just plop them in clean water, but I'll know for any other time this situation might crop up! :D

Tanks are dark at the moment but Sharky is in her stone hide thing (I asked if he had a hidey piece of decor that he liked, if they could bring it to help him settle) and they did, it's three pieces of slate balanced to make a hide that he's too big for really, but I have slate leftover from dad's tank so can make more hides for him. But what I can see of him, a weaving tail, looks healthy enough! The QT tank with the gourami/cories/oto in they all look okay too - I'd used Prime as the water conditioner when filling the QT, so I imagine that helped if the water they came in did swing to ammonia, and I put an established filter and a load of hornwort and other stem plants in there. Hopefully I can get some better photos tomorrow. :) Poor little guys. I haven't seen nitrAte test results like that since I first got into the hobby and took over maintaining dad's tank, and the nitrAtes were off the scale. Took several water changes just to get those to a readable level. These guys were also so pale and stressed when they arrived, feel bad for them! I hope I can improve things for them and QT goes smoothly.

Never had a blue gourami before either, need to do some reading up on them. I remember dad's tank having some honey gourami, and at one point a pair of gold gourami, but the gold female killed the gold male and terrorised the tank so he returned her to the store. This blue is much larger than I'm used to, but I still love the elegant way they move around, and I remember the golds being excellent hunters when fed live foods. Need to figure out if it's a male or female and think of a name too. :)
I really appreciate the explanations and patient help from you guys! Thank you :)
I was always strong in biology, but have to admit that chemistry has never come naturally to me. I have to work much harder to try to wrap my brain around it, and admit that even after slowly reading through your posts, @Naughts and @Byron , that I know I'm still going to get confused about how the pH, ammonium, KH etc interact!

I do think I understand though, at least for now, why the old tank syndrome isn't dangerous because of the high nitrAtes and reducing them to fast; it's the other knock on effects because of the drifted water parameters, ammonium converting to ammonia that risks killing the fish in a big water change with OTS. But not a problem here because my tanks don't have OTS, and they'll be in just clean fresh water. :) That's the important part I didn't get before and why I was afraid to just plop them in clean water, but I'll know for any other time this situation might crop up! :D

Tanks are dark at the moment but Sharky is in her stone hide thing (I asked if he had a hidey piece of decor that he liked, if they could bring it to help him settle) and they did, it's three pieces of slate balanced to make a hide that he's too big for really, but I have slate leftover from dad's tank so can make more hides for him. But what I can see of him, a weaving tail, looks healthy enough! The QT tank with the gourami/cories/oto in they all look okay too - I'd used Prime as the water conditioner when filling the QT, so I imagine that helped if the water they came in did swing to ammonia, and I put an established filter and a load of hornwort and other stem plants in there. Hopefully I can get some better photos tomorrow. :) Poor little guys. I haven't seen nitrAte test results like that since I first got into the hobby and took over maintaining dad's tank, and the nitrAtes were off the scale. Took several water changes just to get those to a readable level. These guys were also so pale and stressed when they arrived, feel bad for them! I hope I can improve things for them and QT goes smoothly.

Never had a blue gourami before either, need to do some reading up on them. I remember dad's tank having some honey gourami, and at one point a pair of gold gourami, but the gold female killed the gold male and terrorised the tank so he returned her to the store. This blue is much larger than I'm used to, but I still love the elegant way they move around, and I remember the golds being excellent hunters when fed live foods. Need to figure out if it's a male or female and think of a name too. :)
Blue Gourami's are known to have personalities so be careful what you put with it.
Blue Gourami's are known to have personalities so be careful what you put with it.

When you say "have personalities", is that code for "is a horrible bully of a fish"? :lol:

Half joking, half serious! Are some of them nice and play well with others? Or just no good to have in a community tank? Really need honest opinions, since I have to decide whether it would be stupid to even attempt keeping it with my cories and elderly tetra!
When you say "have personalities", is that code for "is a horrible bully of a fish"? :lol:

Half joking, half serious! Are some of them nice and play well with others? Or just no good to have in a community tank? Really need honest opinions, since I have to decide whether it would be stupid to even attempt keeping it with my cories and elderly tetra!
Sometimes you get a chilled out one and it is great, sometimes you get one with horns and storms around the tank like it owns it.
Sometimes you get a chilled out one and it is great, sometimes you get one with horns and storms around the tank like it owns it.

Aaahhh... thank you, I appreciate the honesty! I'm tempted to try it out, but I'm really not sure. If I added it and it killed one of my fish, I'd feel terrible. This is why I tend to lean towards small, peaceful species!

I guess I don't have to decide right now, I can observe her in QT and if she bothers the cories and oto at all. If she's peaceful with them, then likely to be okay in my community, hopefully. Although, then I wouldn't be able to do the psuedomugli upper levels I had planned while I have this fish...
Do you think it's a male or a female?
Aaahhh... thank you, I appreciate the honesty! I'm tempted to try it out, but I'm really not sure. If I added it and it killed one of my fish, I'd feel terrible. This is why I tend to lean towards small, peaceful species!

I guess I don't have to decide right now, I can observe her in QT and if she bothers the cories and oto at all. If she's peaceful with them, then likely to be okay in my community, hopefully. Although, then I wouldn't be able to do the psuedomugli upper levels I had planned while I have this fish...
Do you think it's a male or a female?
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Please make sure you have lots of floating plants in your tank, Gourami's like to hangout on the surface of the tank amongst plants.
Please make sure you have lots of floating plants in your tank, Gourami's like to hangout on the surface of the tank amongst plants.

That much I knew! No worries, surface is covered in amazon frogbit, also have hornwort and water sprite in the quarantine ;)
Maidenhead Aquatics won't take a rainbow shark- I called back later though and checked, and they certainly sell them for a tenner each... just won't take them back once they're six inches and the owner cannot house them anymore...

The decline of the LFS while chain stores take over really hasn't done good things for the hobby. Relieved that there are two (only two now, in a large city) privately owned LFS who will take him, and gave really good advice. One said they have the perfect tank for a grown shark, and was looking forward to seeing him!

The good store I took my baby cories to, and got my recent otos and Venezuelan cories from, is willing to take both the rainbow shark and the blue gourami, so that's a relief. Going to keep them quarantined here for a while longer and get them used to lots of fresh water/fed up/de-stressed, then see about how to even transport them there! They're too big for the fishbags I have.
Aaahhh... thank you, I appreciate the honesty! I'm tempted to try it out, but I'm really not sure. If I added it and it killed one of my fish, I'd feel terrible. This is why I tend to lean towards small, peaceful species!

I guess I don't have to decide right now, I can observe her in QT and if she bothers the cories and oto at all. If she's peaceful with them, then likely to be okay in my community, hopefully. Although, then I wouldn't be able to do the psuedomugli upper levels I had planned while I have this fish...
Do you think it's a male or a female?
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Maidenhead Aquatics won't take a rainbow shark- I called back later though and checked, and they certainly sell them for a tenner each... just won't take them back once they're six inches and the owner cannot house them anymore...
So hypocritical aren't they?!
I don't buy from Maidenhead as I can get better quality elsewhere. This puts me off ever buying from them
Glad you have the LFS's to rely on.
Everyone use your LFSs as much as you can or they'll be gone!
Never had a blue gourami before either, need to do some reading up on them. I remember dad's tank having some honey gourami, and at one point a pair of gold gourami, but the gold female killed the gold male and terrorised the tank so he returned her to the store. This blue is much larger than I'm used to, but I still love the elegant way they move around, and I remember the golds being excellent hunters when fed live foods. Need to figure out if it's a male or female and think of a name too.

As mentioned by itiwhetu, keep a close eye on the blue gourami. The species is Trichopodus trichopterus, and it has been selective bred to produce many varieites, including the blue and the gold, as well as cosby, marble, three-spot gourami, and I can't remember what else. But they are one species, and it is one of the most aggressive gouramies. The gold issue in your father's tank is very common with this species, and other members have had a lone female kill every fish in the tank.
So hypocritical aren't they?!
I don't buy from Maidenhead as I can get better quality elsewhere. This puts me off ever buying from them
Glad you have the LFS's to rely on.
Everyone use your LFSs as much as you can or they'll be gone!

Maaaybe it's that my local MA is rubbish, or I caught an employee on a bad day, something like that, and that other stores would be more helpful... hopefully! I have heard of them taking the odd fish in. But I won't be shopping at that particular store, for sure! I've actually never been to that one, even though it's one of the closest to my house. Even closer is a pets at home, that I bought a trio of guppies from when the ones from my LFS kept failing and dying, but never shopped there again and have always avoided it for my other animals too. I've always tried to shop at the privately owned LFS, because I don't want the world to turn into nothing but chains and large corporations that only care about profits.
I'm lucky that my remaining LFS is a really good one. It's much further away and a bit of a hassle to get to, but it's worth it to go that bit further for a good store.
As mentioned by itiwhetu, keep a close eye on the blue gourami. The species is Trichopodus trichopterus, and it has been selective bred to produce many varieites, including the blue and the gold, as well as cosby, marble, three-spot gourami, and I can't remember what else. But they are one species, and it is one of the most aggressive gouramies. The gold issue in your father's tank is very common with this species, and other members have had a lone female kill every fish in the tank.
Thank you! Yep, thanks to advice here and more reading about them, I decided I won't be keeping the gourami. Even if she was a perfect angel of a gourami, I couldn't keep my tiny psuedomugli with a five inch gourami that's like to eat them, and at the very least, terrify them. I don't want to put off my rainbow fish/cory tank dream for years, to house this one blue gourami. Fortunately my very good local fish store is willing to take both! I've also found a friend on FB who keeps larger fish and has a lot of tanks who is pretty interested in having both, so I might be able to home them directly from here, and not need to take them into a store. :D Keep fingers crossed for me that the home with that guy works out!
Maidenhead Aquatics won't take a rainbow shark- I called back later though and checked, and they certainly sell them for a tenner each... just won't take them back once they're six inches and the owner cannot house them anymore...
The same thing is happening here too with big chain stores refusing to take back fish even if you buy the fish from them. It's why everyone needs to write to the government and consumer protection and get them to write an act stating the pet shops have a duty of care to take back unwanted fish or excess/ surplus fish. If they don't, the fish get dumped in local waterways and that creates huge problems to the endemic fauna.

They should also take back baby livebearers because they don't tell customers the fish will overpopulate the tank they are going into.

The shops need to be held accountable and we as consumers, need to make the government and government departments act and force stores to take back unwanted or surplus fish.
When I had my fish shop. I would only take back fish that I had sold to someone, as a policy. But what I would do is ring around my client base saying that a fish was available if they wanted to contact so and so. Please don't be too hard on the stores for not buying fish back.

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