I think my cycle broke....

Temp: 75-77°F
And no bubbler because I moved the sponge filter to QT tank
Crank it to 82 or 83F...you should keep a bubbler on hand, even if you don't always use one, for situations like this (cycling)...and if your power goes out, a battery-operated air-pump can be a fish saver...the electric are pumps aren't expensive, neither or airstones or airline tubing
Crank it to 82 or 83F...you should keep a bubbler on hand, even if you don't always use one, for situations like this (cycling)...and if your power goes out, a battery-operated air-pump can be a fish saver...the electric are pumps aren't expensive, neither or airstones or airline tubing
The cycle finished so I turned the temp down to where the fish could, ya know... Live

I think my cycle broke....​

I think my water broke....
nope, it was the fish tank :)

sorry, couldn't resist. This title has been looking for my response since it was posted :devil:

I think my cycle broke....​

I think my water broke....
nope, it was the fish tank :)

sorry, couldn't resist. This title has been looking for my response since it was posted :devil:
If I ever have an aquarium that breaks when I'm married, I'm going to yell that out and she'll just be so confused LOL
The cycle finished so I turned the temp down to where the fish could, ya know... Live
8 hours ago (or so) you had at least 1 ppm ammonia and nitrates >5....they're both zero now?
8 hours ago (or so) you had at least 1 ppm ammonia and nitrates >5....they're both zero now?
they were... until about two weeks after. but idk where you get the nitrates being 5 from
So yesterday at 12:00 in the afternoon I added 3ppm of ammonia and it is now at 0! That's a good start to my cycle rehab! Buuuut, my nitrites are back a 1ppm... Should I test my nitrAtes?
Here is what my tank has been doing to ammonia... In 24 hours it brings it down (now to 0) and converts it to nitrites then the nitrites stay at 1ppm until sometime into the next day and then it goes to 0
Here is what my tank has been doing to ammonia... In 24 hours it brings it down (now to 0) and converts it to nitrites then the nitrites stay at 1ppm until sometime into the next day and then it goes to 0
that is nice i think that means the bacteria has been recruited into the factory of your filter and all the positions for the jobs have people working in them so it runs smoothly turning bad stuff into good stuff
then the people that work in the plants build the plant towers to house more bacteria
that is nice i think that means the bacteria has been recruited into the factory of your filter and all the positions for the jobs have people working in them so it runs smoothly turning bad stuff into good stuff
then the people that work in the plants build the plant towers to house more bacteria
So, I can safely add fish?
Each 3 ppm dose of ammonia you add is turned into around 8 ppm nitrite and this has dropped to 1 ppm so you are not far off now.

If you intend adding fish slowly rather than all at the same time, it is probably safe to do that. But if you intend adding all the fish at the same time, I would hold off until you get two zeros after 24 hours. Whichever you do, keep testing every day after every addition of fish until you are sure the levels are staying at zero.
Each 3 ppm dose of ammonia you add is turned into around 8 ppm nitrite and this has dropped to 1 ppm so you are not far off now.

If you intend adding fish slowly rather than all at the same time, it is probably safe to do that. But if you intend adding all the fish at the same time, I would hold off until you get two zeros after 24 hours. Whichever you do, keep testing every day after every addition of fish until you are sure the levels are staying at zero.
Ok, the first fishes I'm adding will be the peacock gudgeons... I thought I would add the lambchop first but actually, I'm not worried at all about territory and aggression from them. After reading things online, peacocks actually like schooling fish and sometimes join in...
So this is today's results around 24hrs after adding ammonia yesterday... I added the ammonia after this reading which was at around 12:47

Most reactions
