Nano Tank Ideas

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Got this done today.

A little sparse right now, but it's a start. Probably keep playing with it moving stones around and need to spread the moss out a bit. Seeded the filter with some sponge from the main tank to get the process started.
super cute.
Have you decided what will be living there?
No decision on stock yet. Right now I need to get more plants. I have some cabomba trimmings to add and my java ferns are propagating right now so when one is large enough I'll add that. And of course even though I said I wasn't, I had to order a small plant light to retro to the underside of the hood. It's never simple 🙄
No decision on stock yet. Right now I need to get more plants. I have some cabomba trimmings to add and my java ferns are propagating right now so when one is large enough I'll add that. And of course even though I said I wasn't, I had to order a small plant light to retro to the underside of the hood. It's never simple 🙄
I've never had luck with plants in my little fluval edge 6 gallon. Just stock lighting, maybe that's why? Plus I have super acidic water. So anubias species are the only things that seem to do well for me. So I use a lot of wood to fill space.newsubtank.jpg
I've never had luck with plants in my little fluval edge 6 gallon. Just stock lighting, maybe that's why? Plus I have super acidic water. So anubias species are the only things that seem to do well for me. So I use a lot of wood to fill space.View attachment 141600
I love those tanks! No one around me seems to carry them though.
New mini plant light (amazon special but gotta be better than the kit 3-diode). Moved some stones, spread the moss, and added some cut-offs from the main tank. Water's reading 0-0-2 already!

So back to the shrimp. What is the compatibility and ethics of keeping multiple species? Can you keep red cherry's with sunburst/sunrise shrimp? Wondering if you can have a variety of colors in one tank? Last week the LFS had red cherry, sunburst, and amano.
Different species have different needs (water chemistry, temperature) so provided you keep species with the same needs, it's OK to keep more than one species.

Many of the shrimps we keep nowadays are just different colours of the same species, and they will breed together. Several generations later, you have a tank of brown shrimps.
Sunburst shrimps and red cherries are the same species. They used to be Neocaridina heteropoda, now they are N. davidii but you'll see both names in use on different websites.
Amano shrimps are a different species which grow larger and don't breed in fresh water. I was once warned that because they are bigger they can intimidate cherry shrimps (in all their colours) but mine were in different tanks so I don't know from experince if that's true.
Different species have different needs (water chemistry, temperature) so provided you keep species with the same needs, it's OK to keep more than one species.

Many of the shrimps we keep nowadays are just different colours of the same species, and they will breed together. Several generations later, you have a tank of brown shrimps.
Sunburst shrimps and red cherries are the same species. They used to be Neocaridina heteropoda, now they are N. davidii but you'll see both names in use on different websites.
Amano shrimps are a different species which grow larger and don't breed in fresh water. I was once warned that because they are bigger they can intimidate cherry shrimps (in all their colours) but mine were in different tanks so I don't know from experince if that's true.
My amanos don't bother my RCS one bit, even saw a RCS riding on the back of one of my amanos, briely...of course, didn't have my camera nearby
Different species have different needs (water chemistry, temperature) so provided you keep species with the same needs, it's OK to keep more than one species.

Many of the shrimps we keep nowadays are just different colours of the same species, and they will breed together. Several generations later, you have a tank of brown shrimps.
Sunburst shrimps and red cherries are the same species. They used to be Neocaridina heteropoda, now they are N. davidii but you'll see both names in use on different websites.
Amano shrimps are a different species which grow larger and don't breed in fresh water. I was once warned that because they are bigger they can intimidate cherry shrimps (in all their colours) but mine were in different tanks so I don't know from experince if that's true.
So good to get both sunburst and red. I've heard of "blue" shrimp. Are they just another color of cherry as well?

Don't want a ton of shrimps in the tank, so I suppose if they do breed I can cull the browns. (Apologies if too harsh sounding)
So good to get both sunburst and red. I've heard of "blue" shrimp. Are they just another color of cherry as well?

Don't want a ton of shrimps in the tank, so I suppose if they do breed I can cull the browns. (Apologies if too harsh sounding)
Yes, the blues are just a Neo color morph...a couple of mine:


  • blue neo.JPG
    blue neo.JPG
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