Digging out my old Fluval Chi - Ideas Please :)


New Member
Apr 19, 2021
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Hi all,

Welcome and thanks for reading.

Whilst I am not a "newbie" to fish tanks it has been about 3 years since I filled a tank up.

Upon clearing out my garage yesterday I found my old Fluval Chi 19L 5 Gallon Fishtank. I didn't bother cleaning it because the intention was to throw it away, however, I may have found a new home for it.

I have seen online that using a Vinegar solution will easily clean up the old algae so I will give that a bash. Any other tips are welcomed.

The reason for this post and joining the forum is some ideas for the tank.

I was thinking of making it a plant tank with fish/shrimp in there? The location of the tank will be away from direct sunlight but next to the window (wall with the window in it)
What would be the best types of plants I could grown in there to increase the aesthetics of my living space but not need daily or twice weekly cleaning along with some fish/shrimps for the kids to watch? (Tetras?)

Any ideas, advice, or pictures of what you have done similar will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Hi! I would go with a betta! Tetras and other fish need a larger swimming space unfortunately and would be unhappy in that tank size. You could easily do a betta, a dozen shrimp, and 3 nerite snails though, if it is heavily planted!

Some good plants that won’t need a whole lot of light are:
Amazon Sword
Water Sprite
Anubias varieties
Java fern
Java moss
Dwarf Sag

Amazon sword would need root tabs and liquid fertilize will help the others too!
Hi! I would go with a betta! Tetras and other fish need a larger swimming space unfortunately and would be unhappy in that tank size. You could easily do a betta, a dozen shrimp, and 3 nerite snails though, if it is heavily planted!

Some good plants that won’t need a whole lot of light are:
Amazon Sword
Water Sprite
Anubias varieties
Java fern
Java moss
Dwarf Sag

Amazon sword would need root tabs and liquid fertilize will help the others too!
Thanks for the reply,

Looks like betta will be the idea. If memory serves me right can I only have 1?

I know what will happen, I have 2 kids and they will both want one.

As for shrimp/snails will they not climb out?

Also, would you leave the plastic top on the tank or take it off? (Will the plants grow out the tank)
Thanks for the reply,

Looks like betta will be the idea. If memory serves me right can I only have 1?

I know what will happen, I have 2 kids and they will both want one.

As for shrimp/snails will they not climb out?

Also, would you leave the plastic top on the tank or take it off? (Will the plants grow out the tank)
Yes only one betta, even if you get a female. Bettas are naturally a very solitary species, and will display aggressive behavior if you have more than one in your tank size, which would stress eachother out and eventually possibly lead to the death of one.

For a betta, you would want to make sure you had a filter that was not too strong and a heater that could keep the tank at a consistent 78 ish degrees.
I am not sure if shrimp or snails will try to escape or not... im Sorry. I would leave the plastic lid thing on because bettas ARE known to be able to jump!
Depending on what plants you choose, they shouldn’t shown out of the tank. If they do, you can always trim them!
Looks like betta will be the idea. If memory serves me right can I only have 1?
Yes, for a male Betta Splendens, you can only have 1 per tank.

I know what will happen, I have 2 kids and they will both want one.
Lol, good reason to get another tank! ;)

As for shrimp/snails will they not climb out?
Depends on what type of snails you get. Nerite and Mystery snails are best known for escaping tanks, but that shouldn’t be an issue with your tank, as you have a lid.

Also, would you leave the plastic top on the tank or take it off? (Will the plants grow out the tank)
The plants will not grow above the water level, so the lid may be kept on. (Some plants may flower above the surface of the water, but they won’t actually grow out of it)

I have seen online that using a Vinegar solution will easily clean up the old algae so I will give that a bash. Any other tips are welcomed.
I would use hot water and a sponge, before trying vinegar. Vinegar is typically only used for hard water stains. (Calcium deposits)

Make sure to use a sponge that has never been used for cleaning around the house.

You may be able to get some shrimp, depending on how densely planted the tank is, and what the temperament of the Betta is. Is the Betta is chill, shrimp should be no issue. If he is aggressive, chances are he will enjoy snacking on them...


Do you have a light for the tank yet?
Yes, for a male Betta Splendens, you can only have 1 per tank.

Lol, good reason to get another tank! ;)

Depends on what type of snails you get. Nerite and Mystery snails are best known for escaping tanks, but that shouldn’t be an issue with your tank, as you have a lid.

The plants will not grow above the water level, so the lid may be kept on. (Some plants may flower above the surface of the water, but they won’t actually grow out of it)

I would use hot water and a sponge, before trying vinegar. Vinegar is typically only used for hard water stains. (Calcium deposits)

Make sure to use a sponge that has never been used for cleaning around the house.

You may be able to get some shrimp, depending on how densely planted the tank is, and what the temperament of the Betta is. Is the Betta is chill, shrimp should be no issue. If he is aggressive, chances are he will enjoy snacking on them...


Do you have a light for the tank yet?
That is extensive thank you!

The light comes with it. Like a filter light combo but the filter sprays water out of the top.

Quite nice once on. The only thing I do not have is a heater.

It usually looks like this when not stored in the garage for a couple of years :) (not my image)

That is extensive thank you!

The light comes with it. Like a filter light combo but the filter sprays water out of the top.

Quite nice once on. The only thing I do not have is a heater.

It usually looks like this when not stored in the garage for a couple of years :) (not my image)

View attachment 134820
You could just get a cheap heater at your LFS. I got one from petsmart for 15 dollars.
That is extensive thank you!

The light comes with it. Like a filter light combo but the filter sprays water out of the top.

Quite nice once on. The only thing I do not have is a heater.

It usually looks like this when not stored in the garage for a couple of years :) (not my image)

View attachment 134820
Ah, ok, I see.

That light may not be bright enough to grow the plants suggested above, so you may need to get another one.

Nicrew makes some excellent lights, so I would look into those. This one should fit your tank, although I am unsure about the dimensions: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0191EWII2/?tag=ff0d01-20
Ah, ok, I see.

That light may not be bright enough to grow the plants suggested above, so you may need to get another one.

Nicrew makes some excellent lights, so I would look into those. This one should fit your tank, although I am unsure about the dimensions: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0191EWII2/?tag=ff0d01-20
Thanks for this.

No idea if this helps with regards to your lighting comment.

Why would those not be enough? I do like the "concealed" lighting rather than a big overhanging one.

Odd question, this image is not mine but I found it online.

Can I have something like this? The Bamboo growing out of it?

The Mrs doesn't want a fish tank but if it looks like a "plant or plant pot....." she says it's ok ????


It might be powerful enough, it just looked super dull in the photo provided.

I’ll do some research and get back to you on that.
Yep! You can have bamboo growing out of your tank. It just has to have a couple inches of the top sticking out of the water, because it is not an aquatic plant but semi aquatic

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