ragged betta fins

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Fish Addict
Oct 10, 2018
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my beautiful betta had perfect fins. now the edges are raggedy. the only difference in his care was adding
Ocean Nutrition Betta Spa. it’s a water conditioner- contains wild almond leaf extract. i used half the dose recommended. tomorrow i will have enough distilled water to fill his desk top 5 gallon. do i still need to add a conditioner that removes chlorine and metals?
If your tap water pH is between 6.8 and 7.2 you should just use that and use a bog standard dechlorinator like Aqua Safe.

I would not used distilled water as it has been stripped of micro nutrients like magnesium and calcium which the fish needs.
ok thanks. the betta is still alive. not swimming or eating much, ragged fins.
so i don’t know what to expect. is there such a thing as fish vitamins?
Pictures of the fish?
How long has the tank been set up for?
What is the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH of the tank water?
How often do you do water changes?
Do you gravel clean the substrate when you do a water change?
What sort of filter is on the tank?
How often and how do you clean the filter?
We need more info and ideally some pictures, but it sounds like fin rot. Clean water is key. Almond leaf extract will help too (or anything else that releases tannins), as it has mild antibacterial properties and reduces stress. If the fin rot is severe he will need medication, but it's difficult to assess his condition without seeing him.
Pictures of the fish?
How long has the tank been set up for?
What is the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH of the tank water?
How often do you do water changes?
Do you gravel clean the substrate when you do a water change?
What sort of filter is on the tank?
How often and how do you clean the filter?
i have had the betta about a year. it’s in a 5 gallon tank with hang on filter for that size tank and a heater. marbles are substrate. haven’t tested water.
we have a sick cockatoo with a mass on her abdomen. we’ve been taking her to the avian vet, giving meds. so worried about her- i admit my water changes are less often. i’ve asked the vet if there is someone that would like to have my 20 gallon of guppies. i have 4 tanks to keep up.i feel bad not giving the fish more time. unfortunately we live in a 2000 populated arkansas town. aka boonies??
the only different thing i added to the water is that water conditioner w/wild almond leaf extract. first time i ever used it.


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we have a sick cockatoo with a mass on her abdomen. we’ve been taking her to the avian vet, giving meds. so worried about her-
female budgies and parrots can get a fat deposit (xanthomas) on their belly. It's from lack of exercise and is normally harmless, just an indication the bird gets too much food and not enough exercise.
i added more of the almond leaf water conditioner- 2 dosage choices the larger is to condition the water rather than a preventative dose
i will order a medicine if i know what that med is called?
female budgies and parrots can get a fat deposit (xanthomas) on their belly. It's from lack of exercise and is normally harmless, just an indication the bird gets too much food and not enough exercise.
well the avian vet said it’s over her liver. she drained a lot of fluid,but still her liver was protruding as a smaller bump. :((
The ammonia could be the problem. Although be careful. I find the API test under certain lighting can appear slightly green when it's really not. But any ammonia above zero will cause health problems in your fish.

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