Looking for Guidance on Nano Tank Denizens 10 gallons

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Fish Herder
Jan 26, 2021
Reaction score
Nanaimo, BC
I am setting up a nano tank, for the sake of a nano tank not as a hospital or quarantine tank. I have a reasonable amount of experience with larger tanks but never looked at a 10 gallon tank as anything but a temporary residence for my aquatic friends. If successful might set up a similar tank in the office after COVID issues reduce, perhaps going for a rimless solution.

The parameters of the tank will be:
  • 10 Gallons normal form factor tank, not rimless but the tank will not have a cover
  • Input water typically 6.8 to 7.2 pH which stabilizes in my other tanks to 6.4 to 6.6 pH (Not RO water)
  • Input water has 0 nitrates
  • Input water has 2 degrees of hardness or less
  • Substrate is aquarium soil (though could be changed if need be)
  • Heated
  • Internal filter
  • Single 15 watt 6500k LED lamp for illumination but could get more if needed
  • Natural wood and rock (no carbonates in rock)
  • Will be moderately to heavily planted (no CO2)
If need be I could experiment with making the tank more pH basic and harder, perhaps using limestone for some of the feature rocks instead of the quartz epidote rocks I have now. To do this it would have to be for a real interesting fish or creature, because I am then fighting the conditions of the water I have easy access to.

The main criteria for the fish/creatures are:
  • Must be happy in a small tank
  • Must be seen, not always hiding
  • Must be relatively well behaved
  • Must not be jumpers (though the tank will not be filled exactly to the top)
  • Optional - cohabitate with a female betta (I can provide a different home for her if best)
  • Optional - interactive with owner or unique behaviors
  • Optional - tolerant of activity outside the tank (I can change the location if the fish are sensitive)
  • Optional - pretty or unique (I tend to prefer fish that are closer to their original form)
  • No restriction on origin of the fish for this tank
Right now my best idea is a small school of Ember Tetras, thinking about 7 if I can get them. Below are the other fish I have considered, some I am still considering:
  • Chilli Rasbora - don't know if I can reasonably obtain them (still in the running)
  • Neon Tetras - I can get them but...don't know if I really want them
  • Cardinal Tetras - Too large I think to allow enough for a school
  • Endler - Big departure from where I normally go with fish, would be fun, but water conditions do not fit well with them well
  • White Cloud Mountain - Don't really care for them that much
  • Zebra Danios - Don't really care for them much
  • Celestial Pearl Danio - fear they may be like the Zebra's but they seem interesting (still in the running)
  • Sparkling Gourami - don't really know anything about them, OK if they act similar to the much larger Pearl Gouramis worried if they would be happy in smaller tank (Still in running)
  • Cherry Shrimp - Seem interesting but I am concerned that the low water hardness will adversely affect their growth (sort of in the running)
  • Snails - my Wife's thing, I see them as secondary parasite hosts but would use them if deemed important to the health of the tank
Overall it I am curious if there is some other type of fish/creature that I could use that I haven't considered, or if I made a miss-assessment of the fish I am considering. The fish could be an individual, pair, or school.

Image below is the tank as currently envisioned.



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I would really recommend getting ember tetras, they are active and not shy at all! I am not sure if it's good to put any fish with your female betta. The fish that you listed that could work: chili rasboras, celestial pearl danio, snails. I am not sure about the sparkling gourami, they can get agressive and the cherry shrimp. Other Ideas that could work: Any boraras like boraras maculatus, kubotai rasboras, Caridina shrimps and killifish
I would really recommend getting ember tetras, they are active and not shy at all! I am not sure if it's good to put any fish with your female betta. The fish that you listed that could work: chili rasboras, celestial pearl danio, snails. I am not sure about the sparkling gourami, they can get agressive and the cherry shrimp. Other Ideas that could work: Any boraras like boraras maculatus, kubotai rasboras, Caridina shrimps and killifish
Thanks. Other than the Chili Rasbora I had never considered Rasboras before, never had a tank that I could put such a small fish into without them being eaten. I reviewed all the fish and the Caridina shrimp but agree with you that the Ember Tetras are still the best choice. I really like the Kubotai Rasbora but might be a bit to sensitive for an initial nano tank trial.
If you want fish that will interact, you might try a trio of pea puffers. Wouldn't work well with a female betta but they are very interesting fish.
My experience with CPDs had me hunting for them as they were shy. I'm sure in a big tank and a large school that would possibly change. I had 5 in a well planted 6g and barely saw them. I had a few Cherry shrimp in there and I think they ate shrimplets because I had a hard time obseeving them eat. Lots of tank cleaning.

WCMMs are actually stunning and I kept 7 in a 10g. I wouldn't do that again because I would like to keep a larger group in a bigger tank.
I have 11 currently with 3 or 4 fry and am going to need to spend some money soon. Stunning and hardy fish, and they fill out well, but 10g, in my opinion, too small of a tank.

I have a Dwarf Pea Puffer in a 5g that I will be upgrading to a 10 soon. He is adorable but wish I had invested in more of them for a bigger tank. At the time he helped with my snail population and he is quite a comical fellow but...well I am afraid he's lonely. He likes when I rearrange his tank. Not sure of your parameters, sorry didn't look too close so would have to double check that. Still, he moves fast and ai cant wait to move him to a bigger tank.
Also carnivorous, so must consider before getting a Puffer.

There are other nano fish but
Ember tetras are a great fit! Most fish like big groups and 7+ with lots of plants would be my choice and good for the fish. Add a Nerite snail or two.
Or you could add an Amano shrimp for fun, huge bang for the buck entertainment-wise.
Keep us posted!

Edited for spelling and wrong glasses !
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Thanks. Other than the Chili Rasbora I had never considered Rasboras before, never had a tank that I could put such a small fish into without them being eaten. I reviewed all the fish and the Caridina shrimp but agree with you that the Ember Tetras are still the best choice. I really like the Kubotai Rasbora but might be a bit to sensitive for an initial nano tank trial.
I am sure you wouldn't regret getting ember tetras! I love them in my 10 gallon, I keep them with crystal red shrimp. Keep us updated on what you decide to do!
Another +1 for embers, I keep them and WCMM's in my heavily planted 10G....chilis are a great option...as are the CPD's

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