130 gallon planted tank

They sometimes squabble a bit, but it goes really well. In my 130 are 3 male bristlenose and in my 32 is one female. When the female was in the 130 with the males she sometimes got bullied, but the 3 males alone goes really well
Had a small project, I grabbed these suction cups and plastic plant pots you get when you buy a new plant.
I than glued the suction cup to the back of the plant pot.
I then planted some Brazilian pennyworth (hydrocotyle leucocephala) in between some larger pebbles. And pressed the cups to the background of the tank at about 2 inch below the water line.4BEE63A1-38D2-4D89-BEDA-738813D0A68F.jpeg
This way I get the shade from floating plants, and the fish feel the safety, but the plants don’t float all over the place and in the contrary to “real” floating plants can be controlled much easier.
A picture of my male albino bristlenose and a curious fire mouth, the male albino bristlenose is now in my 32 gallon tank together with a longfin albino bristlenose with a debatable gender.
The barbs are really pretty, but I’m still not sure if I’ll keep them
Ruby barbs are fine for a community aquarium. They are small, peaceful, don't eat plants and get along with just about everyone. And if you give them a cooling off period for a few months, the males colour up superbly when the water temperature rises a few degrees. They are also easy to breed. :)
Ruby barbs are fine for a community aquarium. They are small, peaceful, don't eat plants and get along with just about everyone. And if you give them a cooling off period for a few months, the males colour up superbly when the water temperature rises a few degrees. They are also easy to breed. :)
they are pretty indeed, and they've bred for me. but the other fish in my tank actually don't benefit from a cooling period. so I'm still not sure. for now they seem to be doing fine, and maybe I'll try and put some in a small pond in the summer.
Picked up two males and one female new cichlids for the tank. They’re quite small for now only about 1,5inch.
The cat shows no interest in the 130 gallon, but he does in the 32 gallon
Guys, I was at my LFS two weeks ago and they were selling true pairs of blue moon endler guppys or something along those lines. Either way they looked super cool although they were pretty pricey.
Guys, I was at my LFS two weeks ago and they were selling true pairs of blue moon endler guppys or something along those lines. Either way they looked super cool although they were pretty pricey.
Japan blue? Those are very pretty.

the new fish in the tank are juwel of Panama (Amatitlania altoflava 2m1f)
and a school of Madagascar rainbow fish (Bedotia sp. 7m3f) (also unfortunately a female ayamaru came with it)

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