Cycling a Bare Bottom Tank


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 29, 2018
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I have a new sponge filter in a 10G tank that I am cycling for possible future nursery tank. I seeded with some used sponge and some used gravel in panty hose. Also added Stability (all I had) and Dr. Tim’s ammonia drops. Will bacteria on filter and bagged gravel be enough for bb to grow on? I don’t want substrate in a fry tank. Suggestions?
It is easier to clean without sucking them up when they are tiny. I always kept bare bottoms when I bred fancy goldfish. These will be egg layers. :)
It is easier to clean without sucking them up when they are tiny.
What are you planning to breed. In most cases I have moved away from bare bottom tanks. I have found the young do better with a base and plants and a sponge filter. If you feed them on egg yoke as in my post "First food" there will be nothing to clean up.
I feed First bites, Fry Starter, and baby brine shrimp at 2 weeks. There is always plenty to clean up. My question is starting the cycle on the tank. I have always used existing filters before but not this time.
Keep in mind that fry from eggs are like tiny slivers of glass at first and very difficult to see. As they grow, I then add a little substrate.
Given enough time I think you should have plenty of bacteria as long as there is something for them to eat. I am working on a fry tank too but was thinking of having a thin layer of sand and using UGF plates when I have the fish breed so the eggs fall through the openings and are protected from the fish.
It will have cherry barbs at first.
Cherry barbs are one fish that should be breed in a furnished aquarium and then remove the adults after spawning leaving the eggs to hatch.
I am looking at breeding some tetras. I am trying two types of fry grass in my tetra tank but so far no luck. I was also looking at using marbles on the bottom if the plates fail to work. I was also going to have some live plants probably floating like water sprite and anacharis.
I am looking at breeding some tetras. I am trying two types of fry grass in my tetra tank but so far no luck. I was also looking at using marbles on the bottom if the plates fail to work. I was also going to have some live plants probably floating like water sprite and anacharis.
Tetras and barbs will all spawn through plant just plant it fully once they have finished spawning remove the adults, and raise the young in that tank. If it has a base, filter and plants it will be stable and you can raise to adults with out having to move them
Last time I tried and was successful in my community tank I had 14 red eyed tetra make it to adulthood in about 3-4 months so I hope I will get lucky again as I adjust the water hardness and temperature to get my other tetra to breed. This fry tank is my second choice and I will probably end up having it like what I did with my platy fry tank which is close to what you are advising. The difference is with egg layers it is harder than live bearers so I plan on using the plates and then later adding more sand and more plants once the fry are out and about. I also was looking at keeping the water level at 4 -5 inches at first for the fry with the floating plants and increasing it as they grow. There are several other options that I am also looking at.


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Last time I tried and was successful in my community tank I had 14 red eyed tetra make it to adulthood in about 3-4 months so I hope I will get lucky again as I adjust the water hardness and temperature to get my other tetra to breed. This fry tank is my second choice and I will probably end up having it like what I did with my platy fry tank which is close to what you are advising. The difference is with egg layers it is harder than live bearers so I plan on using the plates and then later adding more sand and more plants once the fry are out and about. I also was looking at keeping the water level at 4 -5 inches at first for the fry with the floating plants and increasing it as they grow. There are several other options that I am also looking at.
good stuff, have fun
Bb will grow on every available surface inside the tank.

So even without substrate you’ll find that bb will grow on the tank glass as well as the filter media and the bagged a gravel etc so should be fine.

If you’re worried it’s not enough you could add a mesh bag of ceramic noodles and put the bag near the sponge filter.

Edit- just remembered, some folk just add a handful or a very thin layer of sand or substrate on bottom of breeding or qt as this helps reduce stress for livestock and easy to replace since it’s just a thin layer. This could be used for bb to grow on also.
Bb will grow on every available surface inside the tank.

So even without substrate you’ll find that bb will grow on the tank glass as well as the filter media and the bagged a gravel etc so should be fine.

If you’re worried it’s not enough you could add a mesh bag of ceramic noodles and put the bag near the sponge filter.

Edit- just remembered, some folk just add a handful or a very thin layer of sand or substrate on bottom of breeding or qt as this helps reduce stress for livestock and easy to replace since it’s just a thin layer. This could be used for bb to grow on also.
What is Bb, please

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