Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

How very dare you!
Glowlight tetras are a DELIGHT!
There are a couple of understated common tetras that when kept well are real stunners. I had a school of Lemon Tetras and they are still one of my wifes favourite fish and I see why :)

An other unpopular opinion from me! I like aquarium soil more than sand... I'm using Tropica Aquarium Soil and Soil Powder at the moment and I think it looks better than cosmetic sand and was easier to get set up. I know people say eventually it will run out of nutrients but at that point I can swap out to root tabs same as sand.

Aquarium party.png
That was fast. I applaud you.
It was a five minute job with Paint. I figure time's a-wasting, the election is coming up fast, and we aren't going to get anywhere without a campaign poster. So, who's our candidate?

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