Is this fin rot? If yes what should I do?

Barry Tetra

Fish Aficionado
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 23, 2019
Reaction score
Hello TFF, can anyone identify this disease (definitely finrot?) that’s going on discus’
Dorsal fin and anal fin
Water parameters; Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 6-10. @Colin_T


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It looks like an infection. The fish also appears to have the start of "Hole in the head disease"/ "head and lateral line disease". There are several pits on the face and head that shouldn't be there.

To treat the fin rot, try big daily water changes and salt (2 heaped tablespoons per 20 litres of water). If there's no improvement after a few days, use a broad spectrum fish medication that treats bacteria, fungus and protozoan infections. If it continues to get worse then you might need anti-biotics.

Hole in the head disease is usually treated with Metronidazole. However, it is a minor case and the fin rot needs to be treated first.

You can sometimes stop hole in the head disease by doing big daily water changes and gravel cleaning the substrate every day for a week or two. And clean the filter and inside of the glass each week for a few weeks.

Basically try some big water changes and salt and see how it looks in a few days.

What are you feeding the fish?
If you are feeding it mammal meats (beef heart and liver, etc), stop feeding that and use marine based meats like prawn, fish and squid. You can feed frozen foods like brineshrimp, daphnia, mysis shrimp, etc.

Don't use live Blackworms, live Tubifex or live Bloodworms.
It looks like an infection. The fish also appears to have the start of "Hole in the head disease"/ "head and lateral line disease". There are several pits on the face and head that shouldn't be there.

To treat the fin rot, try big daily water changes and salt (2 heaped tablespoons per 20 litres of water). If there's no improvement after a few days, use a broad spectrum fish medication that treats bacteria, fungus and protozoan infections. If it continues to get worse then you might need anti-biotics.

Hole in the head disease is usually treated with Metronidazole. However, it is a minor case and the fin rot needs to be treated first.

You can sometimes stop hole in the head disease by doing big daily water changes and gravel cleaning the substrate every day for a week or two. And clean the filter and inside of the glass each week for a few weeks.

Basically try some big water changes and salt and see how it looks in a few days.

What are you feeding the fish?
If you are feeding it mammal meats (beef heart and liver, etc), stop feeding that and use marine based meats like prawn, fish and squid. You can feed frozen foods like brineshrimp, daphnia, mysis shrimp, etc.

Don't use live Blackworms, live Tubifex or live Bloodworms.
I have never feed them anything except Tetra discus bits

What should I treat first @Colin_T? Hole in the head, finrot or both?
Fin rot first because it kills quicker and the hole in the head disease is only minor.

Both respond to cleaning the tank conditions up (clean filter, wipe glass down, big water changes), and salt so try that first for a couple of days. If there is no improvement after a couple of days of water changes and salt, then try medication.

You can try adding new foods to their diet, instead of just keeping them on one type of food.
Fin rot first because it kills quicker and the hole in the head disease is only minor.

Both respond to cleaning the tank conditions up (clean filter, wipe glass down, big water changes), and salt so try that first for a couple of days. If there is no improvement after a couple of days of water changes and salt, then try medication.

You can try adding new foods to their diet, instead of just keeping them on one type of food.
He’s not eating today, what should I do?
You can move it to a quarantine tank and offer live foods. Get the water temperature to 32C, if it's not already near that. If you can't get to 32C, try to get the temp up to 30C.

cross fingers and hope it survives. but once discus stop feeding and roll over, it's too late.
You can move it to a quarantine tank and offer live foods. Get the water temperature to 32C, if it's not already near that. If you can't get to 32C, try to get the temp up to 30C.

cross fingers and hope it survives. but once discus stop feeding and roll over, it's too late.
What are the least tank size for qt tank? When I caught him with net he started to gulping air what should I do?

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