Ok - I've finally got a slightly positive update in that I think my ammonia levels are starting to drop. I don't think I'll ever ever see Nitrates (due to dumping a bit to much Filter Boost in at the start of this attempted cycle). But what I do now know is that the strip tests I was using were poor... My Ph is a lot higher than I thought it was (but I'm not worried as we'll be mixing in RO/DI to control hardness and reduce Ph)... The Nitrates are climbing slowly... So I would love a little advice on what to do next... Here are the recent results:
Day 6. 8/4/20
Ammonia - 3ppm
Kh - 20˚
Nitrate - 20
Nitrite - 0
Ph - 8
Gh - 16˚
Cl - 0ppm
Added Indian Almond Leaf.
Ordered master testing kit! (Hasn’t arrived yet.)
Day 9. 11/4/20
Ammonia - 3ppm
Kh - 20˚
Nitrate - 25
Nitrite - 0
Ph - 7.4
Gh - 16˚
Cl - 0ppm
Now using liquid testing kit (API Master Testing Kit)
Day 15. 17/4/20
Ammonia - 2ppm
Nitrate - 25ppm
Nitrite - 0
Ph - 8.1
Day 17. 19/4/20
Ammonia - 2ppm
Nitrate - 30ppm
Nitrite - 0
Ph - 8.2
Day 19. 21/4/20
Ammonia - 0.75ppm
Nitrate - 30ppm
Nitrite - 0
Ph - 8.1
So consistently high ph of around 8.1
Climbing Nitrates
Falling Ammonia
So simple question - what should I do next...
Here are my thoughts: tomorrow I expect to find the ammonia under 0.5 if not close to 0. I'll add enough to get it back up to 2ppm of Ammonia and wait for the decrease to happen again. If this happens successfully I'll do a significant water change (I reckon around 75%) for a mix of RO/DI and Tap Water and then test again over the next week (whilst constantly taking the ammonia up to 2ppm) - should I be aiming for 1ppm? How much ammonia should I be using? I feel I overdosed the tank last time which is why. I've had to wait so long. The bottle says 4 drops for every gallon (Dr.Tims) and I've got a 30L tank.
Anyway really happy that things are now moving in the right direction...
Any thoughts? (particularly interested in those I've engaged with before who know a bit about my fishy tales
@essjay @Byron @Libbyd @Deanasue )