My mom is evil shes probably reading what I'm writing.

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Apr 7, 2020
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So it all long story short my mom freezes the albino corydora's(2) in a bowl in the freezer because they might of had flesh bacteria I opened the freezer and one of the is moving and still breathing but she does not trust me because she thinks she's an expert because she reads other articles instead of the correct ones then she flushes them down the toilet I kept shouting at her to stop but shes now acting like the victim I need support and I need my mom to listen instead of shouting at me when I'm telling her not to...can you guys say you opinions so my mother can see.
Tell your mum you need to identify the disease before you treat or kill the fish and unless you mum is trained in fish health issues, she won't have a clue as to what is wrong with the fish.

99% of fish health issues can be treated quickly and easily and the fish don't need to be euthanised.

If you posted some pictures and gave us some information about what was wrong with the fish, and how long the tank had been set up for, we could probably work out what is wrong with them.

As for flesh eating bacteria, there are no flesh eating bacteria that affect fish and people. Columnaris is a flesh eating bacteria that kills fish but it doesn't affect people unless you have an open wound and rub the sick fish on the wound. Even then it won't grow well on us because our body temperature is too warm and our skin is too dry for it to survive.

Tell your mum it is illegal to flush a fish or any animal down the toilet, regardless of if it's dead or alive. If the fish had a disease, that disease can survive in the sewer system and end up in the natural waterways where it can affect native fishes.

If your mum wants something to worry about, tell her the coronavirus is jumping back to animals and might affect all mammals on the planets, not just people.
My mother is an animal lover but she got super misguided by other websites..when I kept telling her not to she kept on going,she thinks shes the boss.
My corydora albino had it,a part of the mouth had a chunk missing and the skin was brown and rotting and both albinos had dislocated backs. The burbles(whiskers)had red spots...wait if the Cory's had the flesh eating bacteria do my other fish have it?
My corydora albino had it,a part of the mouth had a chunk missing and the skin was brown and rotting and both albinos had dislocated backs. The burbles(whiskers)had red spots...wait if the Cory's had the flesh eating bacteria do my other fish have it?
Fish don't normally get dislocated backs unless people are manhandling them and damaging the fish.

Red spots on the barbels is usually caused by poor water quality or sharp gravel scratching the whiskers.

Brown patches on the fish could be an external bacterial or protozoan infection or bruising from chemicals.

The damage to the mouth can be from an injury or bacterial infection but without seeing the fish it's impossible to say. But I reckon they could have been treated without too many issues.

There doesn't appear to be anything relating to Columnaris, which is the only flesh eating bacteria in fish tanks.

If a fish ever gets sick or dies, do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for a week. This will dilute any disease organisms or chemicals in the water and should stop other fish getting sick.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Clean the filter too if it hasn't been done in the last 2 weeks. Wash filter media/ materials in a bucket of tank water and re-use the media. Tip the bucket of dirty tank water on the lawn.

The following link has information about what to do if your fish get sick. It's long and boring but worth a read when you have some spare time. You can get your mum to read it too if she is interested.
My mother is an animal lover but she got super misguided by other websites..when I kept telling her not to she kept on going,she thinks shes the boss.
The. She is definitely mis leaded. You should never freeze fish in the first place, as frozen water crystals can get in the fishes gills and hurt them.

You really should show her this thread and politely and respectfully talk to her about this.
She's 50 so she wont understand I have had many talks with her but she wwont listen.
@LogbuzzYT i have to agree with @PheonixKingZ it's cruelty what's going on and @Colin_T as given off some excellent advice. :clap:
The main issue what needs looking at and no disrespect to you or your mom but for your fish to keep having these health conditions your mentioning, is your water levels correct for your fish and do you have the right fish living together as this can cause many issues in an aquarium if they're not suited.
I found this on Google and it looks exactly like what my other ory had


  • cory2.jpg
    61.2 KB · Views: 54
25 temp..neon tetras,2 wood shrimps,about 7 amano shrimps, 75 gallons and well planted. Daily cleans taking a little water and scrubbing the glass of the tank
The fish tank has fine water quality and the gravel is marketed as for shrimps and catfish,it is stratum substrate gravel for catfish and shrimps
The fish tank has fine water quality and the gravel is marketed as for shrimps and catfish,it is stratum substrate gravel for catfish and shrimps
Everything sounds fine then and your keeping on top of the tank but i would definitely get your mom to read this please.

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