A 60Litre Named.. Aquapit..

addey411 said:
Woah! That is an amazing and beautiful fish! How big of a tank is it kept in and how long has he had it?
Isn't he unique!

He is kept in a 3ft long tank.. just him alone.. but he is big fella! i think for about 3mths now..

My dad used to have like, 5 of this fish! different sizes!
Well, all the stuff for the re-scape is almost 95% ready!

They will be shown in forms of pictures in the coming days so keep a lookout!

Right now is the issue of stocking... *Dilemma*

My tank's size is 60cm x 30(D) x 35(H)
-60L/ ~15US Gallons

The stock I have in mind is:
1) Keeping the 13 Neon Tetras
2) Keeping the 3 Sterbais and add another 5 Leopard Cory
3) Keeping the 2 GBRs

I have asked around,especially people in this forum, the above stock is not gonna work out..

Hence, a new suggested stock list :
1) Keep just 6 Neon Tetras
2) Get 6 Panda Cory instead
3) Replace the GBRs with 1 Honey Gourami

Now, the hard part... Haizz..

I cannot bear to rehome the Sterbais as they are the only surviving 'Pioneers' since day one of AquaPit's set-up!
In fact, no LFS here take in any 'rehomed' fishes! Either I give it away to friends or maybe sell it online OR releasing them at a nearby lake.. :(

Let me know what you guys think.. Tks for reading..
Do not release them at a local lake!!!!!
Please do not do this as they would quickly die or spread diseases. They're not native To Singapore and could become a pest species.
Just don't do it.
TallTree01 said:
Do not release them at a local lake!!!!!
Please do not do this as they would quickly die or spread diseases. They're not native To Singapore and could become a pest species.
Just don't do it.
Okay TT! No lakes!
That was intense! hahaha

Tks anw! :D
AquaPit's Story Part Four!

Wow! Finally I am updating!

Replaced my HOB XP13 filter to a small compact External Filter that can be used as a HOB filter as well.

Introducing Shiruba XB 303

Assemble time!

The Filter Medias that I am using

Two compartments filter , my set up

How it looks on the tank

Goodbye my old friend

It has been running for 1 1/2mths now!

The filtration system works wonders! With the Biohome bio media, it is perfect!

Next up, replacing my T8 tube lighting to a LED one!

Stay tune!
Looking good aqua pit!
Glad you didn't release them into the lake. I'd have had to hunt you down lol .
If you're planning on live plants, I'd advise against swapping to led. In my experience, t8s are better at keeping them alive then leds
AquaPit's Story Part Five!

So.. Before I do the rescaping process, I thought of getting a nice slim-designed LED light to go along with the minimalist look that I wanted.

Guess what? I found it!!

Simple yet elegant... haha

The lights were super bright and almost blind my eyes! (Okay, I was exaggerating on that one! Haha)

Oh ya! I had to do a minor 'renovating' before the new sand comes in.

Here is the temporary look

Stay tune for Part Six! :p
Before I proceed to AquaPit's Story Part Six, here are some of the items I bought to complete the look.

1) Two 5kg Red Amazon River Sand
2) One 5kg White Sand
3) A bag of small, tiny pebbles
4) Two extra-small wood pieces (cave-like wood for the fishes to hide)
5) Two small wood branches
6) One Amazon Sword plants attached to a coconut husk (I think it's Amazons! Haha)
7) One small cute Anubias plant attached to a small red rock

The items that will stay are:

1) One Anubias Broad Leaf plant
2) One Anubias Nana attached on a coconut husk
3) Three small wood branches
4) Few white pebbles
5) One fake reddish plant
6) And the fish tank of course! Hahaaha

Now, to find the time that I need to do the re-scape!
AquaPit's Story Part Six!

The sand is in! :)

I didn't really have to time to wash the sand first thus the cloudiness of the tank!

But.. it looks more natural that way! Haha.. To me, at least.. :p

I am happy with the new look! Even the wifey gave her 2 thumbs up!

My fishes temporary home

The first version

Hmm.. need to relocate some of the plants and tweak the wood a bit..

More to come! Stay tune!
Looks great! Could use some more plants :hey:

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