Cruel To Mollys

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Feb 27, 2012
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London, UK
I was looking for pics on google images and ended up with this, really sad....

........ He said that there wasn’t anyone who was in the business of tattooing fish in Singapore, so Qian Hu approached people in Thailand to get the job done. “Before [they are] tattooed, the fish are sedated so they will not feel any pain.”[font="Verdana]

He said the process for tattooing fish was not much different from tattooing a human being. Needles are used to insert pigments into the skin.......​
There's a place reserved in hell for folks that do that to helpless fish.................
It never fails to surprise me how cruel people can be to fish in other countries. This is similar to the dyes that they also inject fish with to make them glow bright colours as a gimmick. Ive seen them permanently sealed in little plastic key rings so that when the air is used up and ammonia hits high they die - but then they are so cheap you can buy another one. Ive seen them sealed into the high heels of shoes abroad as fashion statements.....why are there no laws protecting them? :sad:
i suppose if there is a demand for them and people want to buy them,somebody is going to cash in on it
If I had the money, I would have went there and collected all the chain thingies and kept all the creatures. And if I couldn't keep them all, I would just have set them free and sold them to other people as pets, because that's what they should be.
I honestly believe one of the deepest circles of hell is reserved for people abuse animals.
Speaking of China and animal cruelty...
live turtles, fish etc in keychains. Now that's worse.

Absolutely disgraceful, why do people feel the need to do this? :no:
I don't know, but I wonder just how many people actually keep the animals in the key chain after buying them? Unless there are people who just have a huge ego and want to show off that their keychain has a turtle / fish / newt in it, which I find pointless. Rather have some robotic critter in there which can get its batteries replaced and live forever instead.
If any of my friends came up to me & showed me their "live fish keychain" I'd smack the snot outta them!!!
If any of my friends came up to me & showed me their "live fish keychain" I'd smack the snot outta them!!!
LOL! Unless the one they're showing their new fish keychain to is just as ignorant as they are. Then someone else must do the smacking.
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