Do I Kill It


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2012
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I started a post (can you identify) a few days ago to try and identify...... I do believe it is a gold Danio have had it for some time.... But I am extremely worried that it may be TB...... I have done some research and the outlook isn't good. I have noticed one of my neons has only what I can describe as a bumpy belly and my new danio tail appears curved at the back....

I have added some meds and increased the tank temp.

What am I dealing with here and if so how to I treat it.......

Do I need to remove the infected danio and kill it???? !!!!!!!! I have had it for a long time

Water testing all reading 0ppm or 5ppm (nitrate)


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I'm not sure what it is, but it's not a danio. It does look healthy though, don't kill it!
I agree that doesn't look like a danio... can you post pictures of the other fish you're concerned about.
It looks more like a lyretail guppy to me. I've had a look online and there's a bit of a debate about whether balloon guppies are available. :huh:
Looks like a long-finned albino danio to me, very bloated. A couple of my standard danio females bloated up like this, never seemed to 'bother' them. Although i eventually found one dead with major internal haemorrhage - could see the blood under the skin of the belly. Might be a genetic thing.
Hi again tracey. i no i have already told you this but i really do think it is a very ill old danio that is suffering.

i never asked you before if it has always looked like this since you brought him?
It is indeed a danio. A very bloated Danio. Try feeding it some deshelled unsalted mushed up peas. It doesn't look like tuberculosis though. Don't kill it unless it is unbalanced and on deaths door IMO.

Thank you all for your replies...... The gold danio is getting 'fatter' by the day, what I mean by that is that it appears more curved and as if it is going to burst....... When I shine a light onto it for any internal signs there is no blood or black areas..........

COLDCAZZIE It is very difficult to take piccies of them I can only describe the neons as lumpy on the underside if their bellies and my new danio defo has a curved spine as when swimming the bottom end of its fin comes round into it...

I've had a real rubbish few days with both my tanks... My big one I introduced some neons(from lfs) and now I have the lumpy bellies as described above and ICH on some of them .. My red tail black shark and syno catfish hybrid are both rubbing them selves against the sand....... theye are all still eating though..

In my other tank I bought some Julii corys / cardinals and blue rams from a member of this forum and two of the cory's have died......

I feel like crying in fact I have ........

I started treating my big tank with fungal/ich treatment but ran out of that(day2) and to be honest not sure what is the best all round treatment for my community tank (catfish / RTBS and gouramis)

In both tanks readings are all OK


I agree that doesn't look like a danio... can you post pictures of the other fish you're concerned about.
No can do rubbish camera and too fast to catch......

Hi again tracey. i no i have already told you this but i really do think it is a very ill old danio that is suffering.

i never asked you before if it has always looked like this since you brought him?
No has become more bloated and curved have fed it peas thinking it was bloated swims ok eats ok interacts ok i'm at a loss with everything that is going on in my tank
It looks more like a lyretail guppy to me. I've had a look online and there's a bit of a debate about whether balloon guppies are available. :huh:
Could'nt see the similarity to be honest when I looked them up
Keep in mind that fish tb also includes things like open wounds, not just a curved spine.
i dont think it looks like doesnt look like tb. all the sores normally come first. gold longfinned danios are so over bred its quite normal for such fish to have internal problems from time to time. i would consider euthinasia if he/she was mine.

He/she is obvouisly quite a good size and im sure its had a good life but im sure it must be suffering now and in my experiance not many fish like this get better.

also if it was in the wild im sure it wouodnt of lasted till now in its state

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