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So my little betta tank has morphed into a full out freshwater community tank. I've branched out with my plants as well (ditched the sword, as it was outgrowing the tank, height-wise), and have more plans scheming in my brain. I really need a HOUSE with room for a 180Gal tank!
Current inhabitants are:
Betty (of course) who is grand matriarch of all the other fish, they kind of defer to her. She' not nippy, but she's got the respect, as it were.
3 cherry barbs, who tend to hang out with
4 Ember tetras, who have adopted into their shoal
1 White Cloud Mountain Minnow and
1 Pristella Tetra (both one-offs from my LFS)
I have now TWO snails (the original hitchhiker from the orange tank, and an intentionally purchased Mystery snail), and I'm considering a pair of Bee Shrimp.
It occurs to me that what I identified early as Java Fern is actually Hornwort (according to google images), which grows like a WEED! I bought one bunch before christmas, and have given away 3x as much, while still keeping my original amount.
I cannot for the life of me remember what the remaining plants are called, it's just one, and it's growing very fast, shooting off new sprouts, which I'm cutting and replanting, to make a little forest. It's fairly haphazard right now, as i want to give the plants space to grow, and not crowd them too early on.
I'm thinking of laying down some sort of grass/moss.. ideas?