Few Of My Fish, Some Strange Some Not!


ray and oddball keeper !!
Nov 22, 2008
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lancaster, lancashire, england, uk
my polypterus delhezi is one of my favourite fish!about 8/9 inch now.
Hopefully my near future pair of channa sp. assam!
And a few pics of my baby channa ornatipinnis, about 3 inch now.
dont know whats happened there but here they are!


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Very nice! What is the first fish? I saw a similar one but black with bright red markings in Peer aquatics recently.
the first picture is fantastic! looks like a croc =/

love them all! :good:
looks like a croc! well glad it doesn't act like one or i might not have any other fish!
yer nelly the babies are doing really well and really growing fast now, i do see a bit of chasing going on and have seen 1 split fin! feisty little babies aren't they! very happy with them though and i think 1 split fin in the amount of time i,ve had them isn't bad at all.
Great pics of the baby Channa, that first fish is amazing, I want one! I've never seen one before, what are they like to keep? What size tank do you have him in? :drool:
that delhezi is one of my favorites! Keeps itself to itself, sometimes after feeding it goes on mad missions round the tank, probably telling me he is still hungry!
Its in my 4 foot 240 litre community,
A simply stunning fish!
A few more pics, the first is of my yellow punctata when i got it and the second of its increased coloration up to today, cant get a full pic as it swims away from camera!
Then my bush fish, the biggest character in the aquarium! He is getting a bit of a big bugger now! And gready!
And last my pair of nandus nandus leaf fish! They are strange but cool.
They are apparently solitary fish but these two are best buddies!


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ace pics those Dave

I love those bush fish, kept one many moons ago and they are spot on

I really want a Delhezi!!
cheers simon, and everyone else!
I picked that delhezi up from maidenhead aquatics near blackpool, (thornton-clevelys) for £25 a few months ago, got bigger since then. Never saw one before that one and never seen one since, a few people iv spoke to really want one but ya just dont see them!
cheers simon, and everyone else!
I picked that delhezi up from maidenhead aquatics near blackpool, (thornton-clevelys) for £25 a few months ago, got bigger since then. Never saw one before that one and never seen one since, a few people iv spoke to really want one but ya just dont see them!

wheres th maidenheadin Thornton Cleveleys? my nan used to live there and I used to go to a fish sop called Coral Reef and one in a garden centre in town centreish?

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