It Should Not Be Allowed !


Fish Addict
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Merseyside, UK
Went into a lfs today and saw these. They have now sunken to a new low. I won't be going back again

:no: :crazy: :angry: :sick: That's a joke to think they do that to make people want to buy them :sick: :angry: :crazy: :no:
Ugh... I can't even tell what the heck they were aiming for.
Unfortunatly.. the LFS we go to still gets color injected fish in...
They get those glass fish that usually have those neon colored stripes put in to them..
And they had a parrot fish once that had a very badly "I "heart" you" on it that was being held for whoever bought it.
It about made me sick seeing that fish and always makes me sick seeing the other ones as well.
That LFS is just going downhill so fast.
I have decided my plan of action:-

1) I am going to phone the LFS today and ask to speak to the manager, I am going to try reason first of all with him and see if I can get him to not sell them anymore.

2). If that does not work I will contact the local council and see if they can do anything about it.

3). If the local council don't do anything about it I wil contact the local papers and send them some pictures and see if we can get them to do anything.

It made me feel sick when I saw what had been done.
This is sick!!!

How do they manage to do that to these poor fish? Wouldnt they die from the pain of a tattoo or do they do it different. :crazy:
I believe they inject the dye into the fish, and yes something like 90% of them die during the procedure. This is why it is wrong, if it was furry animals it was being done to there would be an outcry.

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